Toothache during Pregnancy and Homoeopathy | HDS
Introduction – Dealing with a toothache during pregnancy is a common problem that can cause significant discomfort for expecting mothers.
Causes –Â
1. Hormonal changes: Increased progesterone levels can cause blood vessels to dilate, leading to increased sensitivity and pain.
2. Gingivitis and periodontitis: Pregnancy hormones can exacerbate gum disease, leading to toothache.
3. Tooth decay: Poor oral hygiene, sugary diet, and acid erosion can contribute to tooth decay and toothache.
4. Dental work: Pre-existing dental issues, such as cavities or cracked teeth, can become more painful during pregnancy.
Clinical Features –Â
1. Tooth pain: Sharp, dull, or throbbing pain in one or more teeth.
2. Sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet, or sour stimuli.
3. Gingival swelling: Redness, swelling, and bleeding of the gums.
4. Bad breath: Halitosis due to poor oral hygiene or gum disease.
Prevention –
1. Regular dental check-ups: Schedule prenatal dental visits to monitor oral health.
2. Good oral hygiene: Brush teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and clean between teeth once a day.
3. Healthy diet: Limit sugary and acidic foods, and choose nutrient-rich snacks.
4. Fluoride mouthwash: Use a fluoride mouthwash to strengthen tooth enamel.
5. Avoid tobacco and alcohol: Both can exacerbate gum disease and tooth decay.
Homoeopathic Management –
Scope – excellent , in case of a deep caries may require a filling.
Totality – Tooth involved, Appearance, Tongue examination, Pain description, Modalities.
Therapeutics –Â
1. Aconite – Toothache in the sound teeth (normal, no cavity, no decay). Acute inflammation. Gums are hot and swollen. Tongue swollen , tip tingles (glossitis). Tongue coated white. < cold . Concomitants – mental restlessness and fear of death.
2. Belladonna – Sudden onset. Gums are red but not congested. Tongue has a strawberry appearance. Throbbing pain in teeth. 1st stage of inflammation. Glossitis tongue red at the edges. Dryness of mouth. Grinding of teeth. Gumboil. > biting. Concomitant – throbbing of carotids.
3. Calcarea fluor – Teeth are loose in sockets, with or without pain (scorbutic). Deficient enamel. Hypertrophy of gums. Toothache when any food particles touches the teeth. Gums and lower jaw are swollen. Gumboil with hard swelling of lower jaw. Tongue is cracked, induration of tongue. < eating after. Associated with swelling of cheek.
4. Chamomilla – Sensation as if teeth are elongated. Pain associated with numbness. Nocturnal ptyalism. Stitching pain in jaw extending to inner ear and teeth. < pregnancy, coffee, warmth, menses, warm drink. Concomitant – one cheek red and hot, other pale and cold with irritability and anger.
5. Coffea – Severe pain in any tooth which radiates to the arm, hand and fingertips. Increased salivation. Hasty eating and drinking. > temporarily by holding ice cold water in mouth. Concomitant – unusual activity of mind leading to sleeplessness.
6. Kreosote – Toothache in caried teeth. Tooth covered with black spots due to decay. Intolerable pain with halitosis. Spongy , bleeding gums appear bluish. Teeth dark and crumbly. Putrid odour and taste. Lips are red and bleeding.
7. Magnesium Carb – Ailments from – cutting wisdom teeth. Feels teeth are too long. Swelling of malar bone with pulsating pain < exposure to cold wind, rest, night. Toothache < cold, night. Tearing pain on one side must move about.
8. Merc Sol – Teeth loose, feel tender and elongated. Salivation increased , bloody and viscid. Gums spongy, recede, bleed easily. Sore pain < touch , chewing. Tongue thick moist, yellow , flabby with teeth indented. Halitosis and aphthae. Alveolar abscesses.
9. Nux Vomica – Toothache with chattering of teeth. Toothache < cold things. Gums swollen, white and bleeding. > warm drinks. Hypertrophy of gums. Tongue – first half clean, posteriorly covered with a deep fur, white, yellow and cracked edges. Aphthous ulcers with bloody saliva.
10. Staphysagria – Teeth are black, loose, show dark streaks on them and crumble due to caries. Salivation, spongy gums which bleed easily. Pyorrhoea. Gums are pale. Submaxillary glands are swollen < eating > hard pressure , warmth.
Worked by – Dr. Nazia Ansari (BHMS)