Clinical Tips

Puberty and Homoeopathic Approach | HDS

Puberty – It is the period of sexual maturity and there is development of secondary sexual characteristics. It starts at the age of 8 and is completed by the age of 16 years.


Precocious Puberty – when a girl sexually matures and menstruates before 9 years of age. The hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis is activated prematurely for unknown reasons.

Causes – 

  1. Central Precocious Puberty (CPP): Early activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, leading to premature puberty.
  2. Peripheral Precocious Puberty (PPP): Exposure to estrogen or testosterone, leading to premature puberty.
  3. Genetic Disorders: Certain genetic disorders, such as McCune-Albright syndrome, can cause precocious puberty.
  4. Brain Tumors: Tumors in the brain, such as gliomas or hamartomas, can cause precocious puberty.
  5. Infections: Certain infections, such as meningitis or encephalitis, can cause precocious puberty.
  6. Trauma: Head trauma can cause precocious puberty.

Delayed Puberty – when sexual maturity and menstruation occur after the age of 16 years.

Causes –

  1. Genetic Disorders: Certain genetic disorders, such as Kallmann syndrome.
  2. Hypogonadism: Low levels of sex hormones, such as estrogen or testosterone
  3. Pituitary Gland Problems: Problems with the pituitary gland, such as hypopituitarism
  4. Thyroid Problems: Certain thyroid problems, such as hypothyroidism.
  5. Malnutrition: Malnutrition or starvations
  6. Chronic Illness: Certain chronic illnesses, such as diabetes or cystic fibrosis.
  7. Medications: Certain medications, such as steroids or certain antidepressants.
  8. Turner Syndrome: A genetic disorder that affects females.
  9. Klinefelter Syndrome: A genetic disorder that affects males.


  • Menses are too early, too profuse, too long lasting with vertigo, toothache and cold damp feet.
  • Before menses there is headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrhoea. Burning and itching of parts before and after menses in little girls. Breast are swollen and tender before menses. There is much sweat about the external genitals.
  • Constitution – Fair, fat , flabby patient who sweat a lot. Craving for eggs. Chilly patient. Tendency to sprain muscles easily. Glandular swellings, faulty development of the bones.
  • Amenorrhoea from fright. Least excitement causes return of menses. Pituitary and thyroid dysfunction, impaired nutrition, hyperprolactinemia, ovarian tumors, obesity.
  • A/F – Fright, worry, long lasting grief, sudden emotions.
  • Constitution – girls with dark complexion and rigid muscular fibres. Skin is unhealthy, warts on face.
  • Menses flow only during the day and ceases at night. Leucorrhoea at night which is profuse with weakness. Nipples are cracked and surrounded by herpes.
  • Trembling, convulsive chorea in nervous girls < during menses. Epilepsy at puberty, runs in circles and then falls down.
  • Anxiety, sadness and weakness during menses.
  • Constitution – Tall, slender beautiful females having narrow chest and transparent skin.
  • Amenorrhoea with vicarious menses. Amenorrhoea with milk in breast. Slight hemorrhage from uterus between periods. Menses are too early and scanty but last too long.
  • Amenorrhoea with hematuria or spitting of blood.
  • Weeps before menses. Oversensitive to external impressions. Restless. Clairvoyant.
  • Leucorrhoea is profuse, smarting, corrosive, instead of menses.
  • Hyperprolactinemia, Endometriosis, Ovarian tumors.
  1. SABINA –
  • Females who menstruate very easily in life. Menses are too early, profuse, partly fluid partly clotted, bright red fluid with dark red clots or vice versa.
  • Severe dysmenorrhea. Labour like pains. Pain from sacrum to pubis. Music is intolerable produces nervousness. Sexual desire is increased.
  • It is known as Homoeopathic Currette.
  • Violent pulsations , wants windows open. Discharge of blood between periods, with sexual excitement.
  • Leucorrhoea after menses, corrosive, offensive.


  1. SENECIO –
  • There is functional amenorrhoea. It is known as menstrual regulator. There is delayed puberty in young girls with cough, backache, and anemia. Before menses there is inflammation of throat, chest and bladder, after menses these symptoms improve.
  • Feels as if menses would come. Vicarious menses. Severe lumbar pain with amenorrhoea. Pain from ovary to breast. Leucorrhoea is thick, yellow going down the thighs.
  • Suppuration – lot of pus, excoriation , corrosion of skin , necrosis, induration.
  • Constitution – Stout , anaemic females with a tendency to skin affections and constipation.
  • Tendency to suppuration, skin is unhealthy, parchment like.
  • There are cracks around the finger tips, nipples, labial commissures and anus
  • Chilly patient. There is malnutrition and imperfect assimilation.
  • Mammae are swollen and hard, nipples are sore cracked and blistered.
  • Induration of ovaries, uterus and mammae. Tearing pains in epigastrium and itching before menses. Menses are too late and scanty.
  • Leucorrhoea instead of menses or before menses. Leucorrhoea is gushing, pale, thin, white, excoriating with great weakness in the back.
  • Hyperprolactinemia, obesity, ovarian tumors.
  • A/F – Fear, fright, anger, anxiety, right ovarian pain, tumors and cyst.
  • Menses suppressed for months
  • Upper part of body is emaciated. Milk in breast in non pregnant females.
  • Vagina is dry and there is discharge of blood from vagina while passing stools. Physometra.
  • Gastric complaints. Craving for sweets. < 4-8 pm
  • Leucorrhoea – acrid, with burning in vagina.
  • Hard burning nodosities in mammae with stitching aching pains, and soreness.
  • Dysmenorrhoea – violent with fainting.
  • Constitution – Thin, delicate females having tearful mood, mild, gentle, yielding disposition.
  • She weeps while narrating her symptoms.
  • Delayed puberty. Mania from suppressed menses.
  • Menses suppressed from getting feet wet. Vicarious menses. Diarrhoea during or after menses.
  • Thin milky fluid escapes from breast in virgins before puberty.
  • Weeping tendency. Fear of opposite sex.
  • > consolation > open air. Thirstlessness.


Worked By – Dr. Nazia Ansari(BHMS)


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