Clinical Tips

Homeopathic management for Tonsillitis

Tonsillitis with Homeopathy:


Tonsils are inflammed with purplish discoloration. Hypersensitivity to touch especially in neck region even to the clothing. First affects on left side and then bilaterally, and as both tonsils are touching. Painful while swallowing liquids but the solids are swallowed much easier.

Burning pain in tonsils which shoot up to ears while swallowing. Ameliorate when patient protrudes and retracts the tongue like that of snake. Yellowish offensive pus from tonsils.

Baryta carb:

Tonsils are swollen with yellow spots. Inflammation is due to taking cold drinks, ice cream, change of weather, suppressed foot sweat. Worse while swallowing.

Merc Sol:

Bluish red swelling of tonsillar gland. Constant desire to swallow. Putrid sore throat. Aggravates on right side. Tendency to ulcer formation and abscess. Tendency to pus formation which is thin, greenish, putrid, streaked with thin black blood.


Tonsillitis secondary to sore throat. Tonsils are swallen, and red. Aphthous patches on tonsils. Difficult while swallowing liquids.

Constructed sensation in throat. Fiery red tonsils and throat enlargement of uvula, dry swollen tongue, protruded. Tongue bright red with erect papillae.


Tonsils are greatly swollen and painful. Pain in ear while swallowing. Profuse saliva, tough mucous in throat. Cheesy pea like ball and disgusting smell and taste. Sore, hard, painful glands.

Hepar sulph:

Chronic tonsillitis with hardness of hearing. Sensation of fish bone in throat. While swallowing sharp lancinating, throbbing pain. Can’t bear cold air. Bad smell from throat with ulcetation.


Tonsils are swollen, dry, shining, polished, glistering. Stinging and raw feeling aggravates towards evening,talking, Hawking, morning, forenoon. Horrible taste in mouth. Cold feelings in mouth. Swollen and inflammed tonsils which bleed easily. Inability to swallow.

Calc carb:

Tonsils glands are enlarged, inflammed and associated with multiple pustules in it. Every change of season troubles the patient. Swelling of tonsils with submaxillary gland. Stitching pain while swallowing.


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