Vulvitis Introduction causes and Homoeopathic management :
Vulvitis Introduction causes and Homoeopathic management refers to, Inflammation of vulva is vulvitis.
Vulva is a soft fold of skin outside of vagina.
The moist and warm conditions of vulva lead to inflammation.
Allergies or sensitivity.
Reactions to soaps or sanitary napkin.
Irritation caused by an yeast.
Infections due to fungal, herpes, virus.
Any skin diseases like scabies or dermatitis or eczema.
Pubic lice.
Infections during sex.
Extreme itching.
Burning sensation in vulva
Discharge from vagina.
Redness or swelling in vulva.
Clear fluid filled blisters on vulva.
Cracked skin.
Thick scale white patches.
Can be done by pelvic examination and investigations like pap smear and blood and urine tests and tests for sexually transmitted diseases.
Person looks like pale and oedematous.
Stinging pains with soreness and inflammation with redness can be seen vulval region. Vulvitis associates with inflammation of endometrium and right side oophoritis and right side of Douglas’s pouch.
Sensation as stinging and burning with tearing and cutting pains. Their will be chills with fever after vulvitis.
Aggravation from heat in general,touxh, during sleep, vexation.
Amelioration by cold and open air.
Infection due to gonorrhoea and other sexually transmitted diseases. Suppurative abscesses around the vulval region are very sensitive. Papules on the vulva are prone for suppuration. These ulcers lead to bleed. Angioneuritic oedema is present on vulva with bloody suppuration, which smells like old cheese. Stitching and pricking sensation in genitalia region. Putrid ulcers surrounded by multiple papules. Slpinter like pains in genitalia with soreness ulcerated in genital region.
Aggravation by cold, touch, dry weather.
Amelioration by warmth in general.
Infection of soft tissues includes furunculosis as a result of Infection of hair follicle. Infection to sebaceous cyst and perineal wounds following operation or childbirth leads to vulvitis. sensation of furious itching of vulval region. Thick yellowish mucus like discharges from vulva. Skin around vulva appears as cracked feels like leather.
Aggravation by washing the part with cold water, in afternoon and evening.
Amelioration by washing parts with hot water, in morning, moving around.
Active congestion and acute inflammation of vulval region. Pyogenic vulvitis. Parasitic infections like trichomona and bacterial infection too. Vulva appears like red hot with throbbing type of pain. Very sensitive and sense of protrusion. Associates with inflammation of trachea, larynx. Throat is raw sore constricted sensation and constant urge for urine, dribbling of urine causes vulvitis and violent attack of fever during vulvitis.
Aggravation by slightest touch, night, hot season
Amelioration by warm room.
Vulvitis associates with urticarial rashes all over the body without fever. Rash appears on back, abdomen and hands.
Aggravation by cold, suppression of sweat, getting wet.
Amelioration by washing the parts with warm water, warm dry weather.
Vulvitis is due to recurrent infections. Soreness and stiffness of the parts. Swelling with great sensitivity of external parts. Shooting, tearing and cutting pains in vulval region. Person having habit of involuntary shaking of hands.
Aggravation by washing parts with cold water, cold application.
Amelioration by warmth and by hard pressure.
This remedy acts best during postinfectious vulvitis. Vulvitis less to leucorrhoea which is milky white and acrid leads to burning and itching of the parts. Vulval region is sore and least excitement leads to leucorrhoea return.
Aggravation by cold in any form,stress, bathing, full moon.
Amelioration by dry climate.
Very interesting topic, thanks for posting.