KALI SULPH :For profuse creamish- yellow scaly dandruff .
This is a great naural homeopathic medicine for dandruff that is yellow in color . I have found it to work well in most cases of dandruff and scald head
THUJA :Homeopathic medicine for white Scally dandruff
I have found this natural remedy is most suited for cases of white scaly dandruff, hair dryness and flakes falling off
PHOSPHORUS :Natural Homeopathic remedy for Dandruff with falling of hair
I often take the help of this medicine in treating patients with persistent itching of the scalp, with hair falling off in large clumps.
SANICULA: This is ideal cure for cases of profuse scaly dandruff.
BADIAGA: I find that this remedy is quite effective for cases where the scalp becomes sore and dry, tatter like.