Clinical Tips

Genital Malignancy and Homoeopathic Perspective | HDS

Genital Malignancy and Homoeopathic Perspective | HDS

1. Vulvar Cancer: Rare cancer affecting the vulva, with symptoms including itching, pain, or bleeding.
2. Vaginal Cancer: Cancer of the vagina, often asymptomatic in early stages, but may cause bleeding, discharge, or pain.
3. Cervical Cancer: Cancer of the cervix, usually caused by HPV, with symptoms including abnormal bleeding, pelvic pain, or discharge.
4. Uterine Cancer: Cancer of the uterus, often causing abnormal bleeding, pelvic pain, or pressure.
5. Ovarian Cancer: Cancer of the ovaries, often asymptomatic in early stages, but may cause bloating, pelvic pain, or difficulty eating.
Causes and Risk Factors – 
1. Human Papillomavirus (HPV): A common cause of cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancers.
2. Smoking: Increases the risk of cervical, vulvar, vaginal, and penile cancers.
3. Age: Risk increases with age, especially after 40.
4. Family History: Having a family history of genital cancer increases the risk.
5. Weakened Immune System: People with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS, are more susceptible.
Ca Cervix clinical features – 
  1. Multiparous women with history of postcoital / intermenstrual bleeding (menorrhagia or metrorrhagia )
  2. Irregular or continued vaginal bleeding with blood stained leucorrhoea
  3. Offensive vaginal discharge
  4. Pelvic pain
  5. Bladder and rectal symptom
  6. Pedal oedema

Ca Endometrium clinical features – 

  1. Nullipara, postmenopausal, obese with Diabetes mellitus / Hypertension
  2. Postmenopausal bleeding with big clots
  3. Watery and offensive  vaginal discharge
  4. Colicky pain in pelvis
  5. Pallor
Diagnosis and Treatment – 
1. Physical Exam: A thorough physical exam to check for abnormalities.
2. Imaging Tests: Imaging tests, such as ultrasound, CT, or MRI scans, to visualize the affected area.
3. Biopsy: A biopsy to confirm the presence of cancer cells.
4. Surgery: Surgery to remove the affected area or tumor.
5. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy to kill cancer cells.
6. Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy to kill cancer cells.
Prevention – 
1. HPV Vaccination: Getting vaccinated against HPV to prevent cervical, vulvar, vaginal, and penile cancers.
2. Safe Sex Practices: Practicing safe sex to reduce the risk of HPV and other STIs.
3. Regular Check-Ups: Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider to detect any abnormalities early.
4. Healthy Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Homoeopathic Therapeutics –

  1. Carbo Animalis – Ca uterus and cervix. Uterine hemorrhages which is dark, black and putrid. Menses too early, too frequent ( polymenorrhoea) , long lasting, followed by great exhaustion, so weak can hardly speak. Cervical os is indurated with burning, cutting and lancinating pains. Leucorrhoea – watery, burning, offensive, acrid, staining yellow, with weakness. Chilly , lack of vitality. Hemorrhage from chronic induration. Glands are indurated and painful. Cancer with burning pains in thighs.
  2. Kreosote – Ca cervix and Ca Endometrium. Leucorrhoea – yellow, blood stained, acrid, odour of green corn, worse between periods. Post coital bleeding. Corrosive itching within vulva, between labia and thighs. Burning and swelling of labia. Soreness and burning of internal and external parts. Menses – intermittent , metrorrhagia, too long, black blood. < lying, > sitting , walking. Metrorrhagia < lying , > getting up and walking about. Ulceration and hemorrhage. Metrorrhagia in fungoid disease of endometrium.
  3. Mercury – Ca cervix and Ca breast. Pathology – inflammation, necrosis, decomposition of blood cells. Stinging , burning pains in the ovary. Leucorrhoea – excoriating, blistering , greenish and bloody, sensation of rawness in parts < urination > coition and cold washing. Abscesses anywhere on the body appear before menses and cease with the flow. Milk in the breast and pain instead of menstrual flow ( galactorrhoea). Menses – profuse with abdominal pain.
  4. Nitric Acid – Specific action on muco- cutaneous junction. Metrorrhagia after curettage ( capillary bleeding after curettage ). Hemorrhage from exertion. Blisters and ulcers in mouth, tongue, genitals , bleed easily. External parts sore with ulcers. Leucorrhoea – brown, flesh coloured, watery or stringy , offensive. Hair on genitals falls out. Uterine hemorrhages , menses early , profuse, like muddy water with pain in back, hips and thighs. Zigzag ulcers with an irregular margin, base appears like raw flesh. Voluptuous itching of vagina after coition. Post coital bleeding.
  5. Secale cor – Scrawny old women, emaciated. Pathology – passive hemorrhages, continued oozing, thin, fetid, watery black blood. Burning pains in uterus. Leucorrhoea – brownish, offensive. Menses -irregular, copious , dark , continuous oozing of watery blood until next period. Menstrual colic with coldness of body externally but intolerant to heat. Gangrene of genitals , metritis. Sensation of hot sparks coming out from the body. Never well since abortion. Cancer and gangrene of uterus.

Worked By – Dr. Nazia Ansari (BHMS)


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