Clinical Tips

Blepharitis and Homoeopathic Therapeutics | HDS

Blepharitis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects the eyelids, particularly the eyelid margins. It’s characterized by eyelid swelling, redness, and crustiness.

BlepharitisCauses –

  1. Bacterial overgrowth: Staphylococcus aureus, Demodex mites, and other bacteria can contribute to blepharitis.
  2. Meibomian gland dysfunction: Abnormalities in the meibomian glands, which produce the oily layer of the tear film, can lead to blepharitis.
  3. Dry eye syndrome: Insufficient tear production or poor tear quality can contribute to blepharitis.
  4. Allergies: Seasonal or environmental allergies can trigger blepharitis.
  5. Skin conditions: Certain skin conditions, such as acne, rosacea, or eczema, can increase the risk of developing blepharitis.

Symptoms –

  1. Redness and swelling: Eyelid margins become red, swollen, and inflamed.
  2. Crustiness and scaly eyelids: Eyelids may develop a crusty or scaly texture, especially in the morning.
  3. Itching and burning: Eyelids may feel itchy, burning, or gritty.
  4. Eye dryness: can contribute to dry eye syndrome.
  5. Blurred vision: In severe cases, it can cause blurred vision or sensitivity to light.
  6. Eyelid sticking: Eyelids may stick together, especially in the morning.
  7. Discharge or pus: In severe cases, it can cause a yellow or green discharge or pus to form on the eyelids.

Homoeopathic Therapeutics –

  1. Graphites –
  • Blepharitis of whole margin of eyelids. Oedematous swelling of eyelid margin.
  • Burning of eyelids as from acid aggravated in morning; evening; candle light; reading in evening; open air; during work.
  • Intense photophobia aggravated in artificial light; after coition; daylight; gaslight; during perspiration; sunlight.
  • Thermally chilly. Blepharitis of left eye.
  • Profuse lachrymation < open air, from sunlight, in damp weather.
  • Generally < at night; becoming cold; hunger; warm room ; hunger.
  • Generally > darkness; eructation; becoming warm.
  1. Hepar Sulphuris calcareum
  • Blepharitis of right eye. Purple coloured swelling of eyelid margins.
  • Foreign body sensation in eyes. Crusts on eyelids.
  • Burning in eyelids < in daytime ; morning; during headache.
  • Profuse lachrymation < during night.
  • Thermally chilly. Thirsty. Redness of margins of upper eyelids.
  • Generally < night; open air; cold; during sleep; slight touch ; uncovering head
  • Generally > covering even in warm room; lying in bed; warmth; wet weather.
  1. Argentum nitricum –
  • Blepharitis of left eye. Redness of margins of eyelids. Crusts on eyelids.
  • Burning in eyelid < in morning, on waking.
  • Oedematous swelling of eyelids < by suppressed menses.
  • Profuse lachrymation < when swallowing.
  • Photophobia < in artificial light; after straining the eyes; in warm room.
  • Thermally Hot. Thirsty. Sweets disagrees.
  • Generally > eructation; walking in open air.
  • Generally < at night; warmth; during menses.
  1. Staphysagria –
  • Itching of upper eyelid margins > by rubbing.
  • Blepharitis of left eye. Swelling and burning of eyelids.
  • Foreign body sensation behind the eyelids.
  • Marked photophobia. Profuse lachrymation < in morning; in open air; from sunlight.
  • Thermally chilly. Thirstless. Desires – alcohol, whisky, meat, stimulants.
  • Generally < bending backward; physical exertion; touch; 3pm.
  • Generally > by passing flatus.
  1. Petroleum –
  • Swelling of upper eyelids. Itching of lower eyelids.
  • Burning of eyelids as from smoke < on exertion of vision; during heat; while reading.
  • Profuse lachrymation < during open air. Redness of eyelids.
  • Photophobia < in artificial light; daylight; sunlight.
  • Thermally chilly. Desires – beer; whisky; delicacies.
  • Generally < in morning; evening; draft of air; cold wet weather; rising up.
  • Generally > in daytime; hanging down limbs; rest; summer season; warmth.
  1. Euphrasia –
  • Itching of margins of eyelids. Blepharitis of left eye.
  • Swelling of lower eyelid margins. Redness of margins of eyelids.
  • Foreign body sensation in eyes.
  • Profuse lachrymation < in daytime; cold air: lying down.
  • Photophobia < in evening; artificial light; daylight; light of fire; sunlight.
  • Thermally Hot. Thirsty. Desires – sweets. Aversion – tobacco
  • Generally < in morning; standing; sun exposure; walking in open air; windy weather.
  • Generally > by washing of affected part; darkness.

Worked By – Dr. Nazia Ansari (BHMS)


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