Warts are small, rough growths on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).
Causes –
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV): Warts are caused by HPV, which infects the top layer of the skin.
- Skin-to-Skin Contact: Warts can spread through skin-to-skin contact with an infected person.
- Contaminated Surfaces: HPV can survive on surfaces for several months, allowing the virus to spread through contact with contaminated surfaces.
Pathogenesis –
- Viral Entry: HPV enters the skin through cuts or scratches.
- Viral Replication: The virus replicates in the skin cells, causing the cells to grow abnormally.
- Wart Formation: The abnormal cell growth leads to the formation of a wart.
Clinical Features –
- Small, Rough Growths: Warts are small, rough growths on the skin.
- Variety of Shapes and Sizes: Warts can be flat, raised, or have a cauliflower-like appearance.
- Colour: Warts can be flesh-coloured, pink, or white.
- Location: Warts can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common on the hands, feet, and face.
- Pain or Discomfort: Warts can be painful or uncomfortable, especially if they occur on pressure points.
- Bleeding or Itching: Warts can bleed or itch, especially if they are scratched or injured.
Types –
 1. Common Warts (Verruca Vulgaris)
– Appear as rough, hard, or flat growths
– Typically found on hands, fingers, elbows, and knees
 2. Plantar Warts (Verruca Plantaris)
– Appear as small, hard, or flat growths
– Typically found on the soles of the feet or toes
 3. Flat Warts (Verruca Plana)
– Appear as small, flat, or slightly raised growths
– Typically found on the face, hands, or arms
 4. Filiform Warts
– Appear as long, thin, or thread-like growths
– Typically found on the face, especially around the mouth, nose, or eyes
 5. Genital Warts (Condyloma Acuminatum)
– Appear as small, flat, or raised growths
– Typically found on the genitals, anus, or surrounding areas
 6. Periungual Warts
– Appear as small, hard, or flat growths
– Typically found around the fingernails or toenails
 7. Mosaic Warts
– Appear as a cluster of small, hard, or flat growths
– Typically found on the hands or feet
- ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM – Adapted to old people and children with gouty diathesis. A/F – summer, over eating, acidic food, disappointment in love. Warts – horny and hard, big especially on hands and soles. Corns – hard and unbearable pain. Constipation – round ball like , hard stool attach with mucus thread. Mind – so depressed that forget to eat, drink or even pass stool. Modalities – < cold bathing, cold damp weather, heat of sun, moonlight, overeating. > open air, lying down.
- ANACARDIUM – Suited to old people. A/F – anxiety and stress. Warts – on palms, black , hard but not so horny associated with gastric complaints. Plug like sensation > eating. Skin – severe intense itching. Mind – Forgetfulness, desire to curse and swear, sense of duality. Modalities – < mental exertion , mortification, draft of cold air , evening to mid-night. >eating, rubbing, hot bath.
- CAUSTICUM – Adapted to people having rigid muscular fibres, dark complexion, old people, worn out , broken down. A/F- Bad effects of burn , fright, grief, worry. Warts – on neck, face, eyes, seedy, large, bleed easily, lot of soreness, right sided, contractures after burns, old cicatrices reopens with lot of soreness. Mind – lot of anxiety, bad effects of grief, sympathetic, duty conscious. Modalities – < clear fine weather, draft of cold air, 3-4 am, evening. > damp weather, cloudy weather, warmth of bed.
- NITRIC ACID – Adapted to broken down, anaemic , emaciation , chilly patient. A/F – loss of sleep(nursing the sick person), winter season. Warts – syphilitic warts, bleeds on touch, large, splinter like pains<touch, warts on back of hand, condylomata, genital warts. Discharges – offensive(horse smell of urine), acrid, yellowish, bleeding tendency. Mind- Angry, irritable, revengeful, quarrelsome, vindictive, desire to curse and swear. Modalities – < night, touch, winter, jar. > riding in carriage, mild weather.
- THUJA – Adapted to hydrogenoid constitution, oily, greasy face, sycotic miasm, chilly patient. A/F – damp weather, tobacco, suppressed gonorrhoea. Warts – horny, pedunculated, painful, soft, falt, small or big, on genital, face, neck. Discharges – thick, yellowish, offensive, perspiration- smells like honey, eruptions on covered parts and perspiration on uncovered parts except head. Mind – Sensation as if body is made of glass, wood, as if she is pregnant, sensitive to music. Modalities – < tea, onion, closing eyes, damp weather. > warm, covering.
Worked By – Dr. Nazia Ansari (BHMS)