Clinical Tips

Efficacy of Homoeopathy in Treatment of Leucorrhoea | HDS

Treatment of leucorrhea

Efficacy of Homoeopathy in Treatment of Leucorrhea | HDS

Here are more details about the homeopathic remedies commonly indicated for leucorrhea, including specific symptoms and characteristics associated with each remedy:

  1. Sepia:
    • Indicated for leucorrhoea with a yellow-green, offensive discharge.
    • Discharge may be thick, excoriating, and worse before or after menses.
    • Women needing Sepia often experience weakness, indifference, and irritability.
    • Symptoms may worsen with exertion, standing, and in the evening.
  2. Pulsatilla:
    • Leucorrhoea is thick, bland, and yellowish-green in color.
    • Discharge worsens in the morning, in a warm room, and with emotional upset.
    • Patient is typically weepy, clingy, and seeks sympathy.
    • Symptoms improve with fresh air and gentle exercise.
  3. Kreosotum:
    • Leucorrhoea is acrid, offensive-smelling, and causes itching and burning.
    • Discharge may be dark brown or greenish.
    • Often indicated for vaginitis and inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.
    • Symptoms worsen at night and from warmth.
  4. Borax:
    • Leucorrhoea is profuse, like the white of an egg, and causes great heat and itching of the genitals.
    • Discharge is aggravated by motion or touch.
    • Often associated with anxiety and fear of downward motion (like in an elevator or descending stairs).
  5. Calcarea Carbonica:
    • Indicated for overweight individuals who are chilly and sweat excessively.
    • Leucorrhoea is profuse, milky, and accompanied by a general feeling of fatigue.
    • Symptoms worsen before and after menses and from exertion.
  6. Alumina:
    • Leucorrhoea is transparent, acrid, and causes soreness of the vulva.
    • Often associated with constipation and dryness of mucous membranes.
    • Symptoms worsen in the morning and from warmth.
  7. Natrum Muriaticum:
    • Leucorrhoea is clear and watery, resembling the white of an egg.
    • Discharge is often accompanied by suppressed emotions, particularly grief or disappointment.
    • Symptoms improve with fresh air and open spaces.
  8. Sulphur:
    • Leucorrhoea is offensive-smelling, burning, and itching.
    • Discharge may be yellow or yellow-green and worsens with washing.
    • Often indicated for individuals with a tendency towards heat, burning sensations, and skin issues.
  9. Thuja Occidentalis:
    • Leucorrhoea is yellow-green, thick, and offensive.
    • Accompanied by urinary symptoms and a history of vaccination.
    • Symptoms may worsen at night and from warmth.


Worked By : Sunitha Asir (Final BHMS)


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