Homoeopathic Treatment of Dyspepsia
Dyspepsia, commonly known as indigestion, refers to a set of symptoms that occur in the upper abdomen. These symptoms can be related to the digestive system and may include discomfort or pain, a feeling of fullness, bloating, belching, and nausea.
Homeopathic Remedies for dyspepsia are:
- Nux vomica:
- Key symptoms: Overindulgence in rich or spicy foods, excessive alcohol, coffee, or stimulants; irritability; sensation of fullness and bloating; heartburn.
- Modalities: Aggravated by overeating, stimulants, and mental overexertion; improved by warmth and rest.
- Pulsatilla:
- Key symptoms: Changeable symptoms; bland taste in mouth; aversion to fatty foods; belching; relieved by fresh air and gentle motion.
- Modalities: Symptoms worsen in a warm room, improve in open air; craving for cold drinks.
- Carbo vegetabilis:
- Key symptoms: Bloated feeling, gas, and belching; stomach feels heavy; desire for fresh air; weakness and fatigue.
- Modalities: Symptoms worsen in the evening, improved by eructation (belching).
- Arsenicum album:
- Key symptoms: Burning pain in the stomach; restlessness; anxiety; desire for small sips of water; worsens at night.
- Modalities: Symptoms worsen from cold and improve from warmth; anxiety and restlessness are prominent features.
- Lycopodium:
- Key symptoms: Bloating, especially after eating small quantities; belching; flatulence; craving for sweets.
- Modalities: Symptoms worsen in the late afternoon and evening; improvement from warm drinks.
- Ipecacuanha:
- Key symptoms: Persistent nausea; vomiting; clean tongue; aversion to food.
- Modalities: Symptoms worsen with motion, better from rest.
- Chamomilla:
- Key symptoms: Irritability; colicky pain; intolerance to pain; desire for warm drinks.
- Modalities: Symptoms may be aggravated at night, relieved by warmth.
- Phosphorus:
- Key symptoms: Burning in the stomach; thirst for cold drinks; sensation of emptiness in the stomach; vomiting after drinking water.
- Modalities: Symptoms worsen with warm food and drinks, improve with cold.
Worked By : Sunitha Asir (Final BHMS)