Homeopathic Treatment for dental disease
Clinical Tips

Homoeopathic Treatment of Dental Disease | HDS

Homeopathic Treatment for dental disease
Homeopathic Treatment for dental disease

Homoeopathic Treatment of Dental Disease | HDS

The following list provides some commonly indicated homeopathic remedies for various dental issues.

  1. Arnica Montana:
    • For dental trauma, bruising, and soreness after dental procedures.
    • Useful for reducing swelling and pain.
  2. Hypericum perforatum:
    • Indicated for nerve pain after dental work or injuries to the teeth.
    • Helps with shooting pains along nerves.
  3. Belladonna:
    • Useful for sudden, intense throbbing pain in teeth.
    • Can be considered for conditions with redness, heat, and swelling.
  4. Chamomilla:
    • Recommended for intolerable pain, especially in children.
    • Helps with irritability, restlessness, and sensitivity to pain.
  5. Mercurius solubilis:
    • Indicated for dental issues with excessive salivation, bad breath, and swollen gums.
    • Useful for conditions like gingivitis and dental abscesses.
  6. Silicea:
    • For dental abscesses or recurrent gum infections.
    • May be recommended for promoting the expulsion of foreign bodies (like splinters) from the gums.
  7. Staphysagria:
    • Indicated for dental pain following dental procedures, especially if emotional stress is a factor.
    • Useful for pain that feels better with warm applications.
  8. Plantago major:
    • Recommended for toothache with hypersensitivity and radiating pain.
    • May be helpful for dental conditions with shooting, darting pains.
  9. Calcarea fluorica:
    • Indicated for dental problems like dental caries and weakened enamel.
    • Can be considered for conditions involving hardening of tissues.


Worked By : Sunitha Asir (Final BHMS)


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