BEL Machilipatnam Medical Officer Recruitment
BEL, a Navratna and India’s premier professional Electronics Company requires Visiting Medical Officers (1-Ayurveda, 1- Homeopathy) for providing consultation services to its Machilipatnam Unit employees at factory premises for a period of Two years.
Job Title: Visiting Medical Officer (VMO)
No. of posts: 02 (1- Ayurveda, 1-Homeopathy)
Location: Bharat Electronics Limited, Ravindranath Tagore Road, Machilipatnam.
Educational Qualification: B.A.M S / B.H.M.S from a recognized university
Age limit: Maximum age limit is 65 years as on 01.09.2023.
Remuneration: You will be paid consolidated remuneration of Rs. 600/- per visit
inclusive of all. Honorarium will be paid on closing of the every month.
Visiting timings: Two to three visits per week of 4 hours per day between 09:00 hrs
to 17:00 hrs on working days.
Job description:
➢ Providing medical services and consultation
➢ Issue of prescriptions of medicine in your specialization only
➢ Scrutiny and certification of pharmacy bills
➢ Indenting for procurement of medicine for Medical Centre
Mode of the selection: Selection will be through interview. Eligible candidates will
be called for interview.
Last date for receipt of applications is 28.09.2023.
For Queries related to the advertisement and applying contact us at E-mail: rectmc@bel.co.in
Tel. No: 0866 2527406.
For more details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D27F3ZXXYkHc-4Fooyhn41MMaS4jG0p2/view
Worked By: Sunitha Asir (Final BHMS)