Taraxacum Officinale | Homeopathic Materia Medica | HDS

Taraxacum officinale, commonly known as Dandelion, is a flowering plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. It is a well-known homeopathic remedy used for various health conditions.
Its chief traditional uses are as a remedy for jaundice, liver obstruction, in dysentery, involuntary emissions, and in difficulties in passing water.
Preparation :Â Tincture of whole plant just before the perfection of the flower.
Clinical Conditions :Â
Taraxacum officinale is primarily used in homeopathy for conditions related to the liver, digestive system, and skin. Some of its common indications and uses include:
- Liver and Gallbladder Issues : Dandelion is believed to support the liver and gallbladder function. It is used to treat conditions like liver congestion, hepatitis, jaundice, and gallbladder inflammation.
- Digestive Disorders : Homeopathic Taraxacum officinale is used to alleviate digestive complaints such as bloating, flatulence, indigestion, and constipation.
- Skin Conditions : It is used for various skin problems, including eczema, acne, and psoriasis. The remedy is thought to promote detoxification, which may indirectly help with certain skin issues.
- Urinary Problems : Dandelion is sometimes used for urinary tract complaints, including urinary tract infections and difficulty in passing urine.
- Rheumatic Conditions : It is employed to relieve joint pains and stiffness associated with conditions like rheumatism and arthritis.
- Mental and Emotional Symptoms : Homeopathic Taraxacum officinale is also used for individuals who may feel emotionally sensitive, anxious, or irritable.
Particulars :
Vertigo, with giddiness and staggering when walking in the open air.-Drawing pain in temple while sitting, ceasing when walking or standing.-Tearing pain in occiput.-Pressure and heaviness in lower part of occiput, after lying down.-Headache, as from contraction or expansion of brain.-Heaviness and pressure in head.
Irresolution and dislike to labour. Loquacity and inclination to laugh.
Pain in eyes, as if a grain of sand were in internal canthus.-(Aversion to light) burning sensation, and burning shootings in eyes.
Accumulation of acid saliva in mouth.-Tongue loaded with a white coating, with exfoliation .-Tongue dry, loaded with a brown coating on waking in morning. Â Loss of appetite. Bitter taste and eructations.
Bitter risings.-Empty risings, esp. after drinking.-Nausea from very fat food, with anxiety and pressive headache, > in open air.
Abdomen –
Liver enlarged and indurated. Sharp stitches in left side. Sensation of bubbles bursting in bowels. Pinching in abdomen.-Pressive shootings in abdomen, and sides of abdomen.
Extremities –
Shootings in thighs, knees, calves, soles, and toes. Very restless limbs. Limbs painful to touch.
Unhealthy, pimples and Stinging on skin. Eruption over body and limbs itching severely, and appears to be a mixture of lichen and urticaria. Biting in skin with sweat. Profuse night sweats.
Chilliness, esp. after eating and drinking. Chilliness, shivering, all over, with pressive headache. Chill in open air. Heat at night on waking, esp. on face and hands. Violent night-sweats, mostly before midnight, when just going to sleep. Very debilitating perspiration, causing biting on the skin. Heat without thirst, in face, in toes. Sweat on falling asleep.
Relations :
Compare: Choline, a constituent of Taraxacum root, has given encouraging results in the treatment of cancer.   Bry; Hydrast; Nux vom.Tela aranea (nervous asthma and sleeplessness).  Restlessness of limbs with tearing pains, Rhus Tox.
Worked By : Sunitha Asir (Final BHMS)