Clinical Tips

Moschus Moschiferus | Homeopathic Materia Medica | HDS

Moschus Moschiferus
Moschus Moschiferus!

Moschus Moschiferus | Homeopathic Materia Medica | HDS

Moschus is a remedy for hysteria and nervous paroxysms , Fainting fits and convulsions, catalepsy, etc. The characteristic condition begin worse by cold; there is great sensitiveness to air. The well-known power of Musk-the perfume-to produce fainting in some by the mere smelling of it, gives the chief keynote for its use in homoeopathy.

Common Name : 

Deer musk, Musk, Moschus.

Family :


Preparation :

Trituration of inspissated secretion contained in preputial follicles.

Constitution : 

It is suited to spoiled, sensitive natures and hysterical women and men. Girls are selfish, obstinate, self-willed, pampered.

Thermal Relationship : 

Chilly Patient.

Ailments From :


Clinical Conditions :

  1. Angina pectoris.
  2. Catalepsy. Croup.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Dyspnoea.
  5. Epilepsy.
  6. Fainting.
  7. Heart, failure of. Herpes, mercurial and venereal.
  8. Hiccough.
  9. Hypochondriasis.
  10. Hysteria.
  11. Hystero-epilepsy.
  12. Impotence.
  13. Laryngismus.
  14. Lungs, paralysis of.
  15. Pregnancy, complaints of.
  16. Rage, fits of.
  17.  Typhoid.
  18. Vertigo.
  19. Whooping-cough.

Mental Symptoms :

  •  Sexual hypochondriasis.
  • They are self-willed, obstinate and selfish.
  • Dread of death, and talks only of death when there is no serious complaint.
  • Anguish and palpitation.
  • Peevishness and quarrelsomeness.
  • In a constant hurry, and lets things fall from her hands.
  • Foolish gestures and complaint of pain.
  • Apprehension, trembling and palpitation.
  • Fear of lying down lest she die.
  • Sensation of falling from a height, or as if rapidly turned around.
  • Great absence of mind, sometimes with confused speech.
  • Cries one moment, uncontrollable laughter the next.
  • Sudden loss of memory.
  • Emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition; rage, fury.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms :

  • A remedy for hysteria and nervous paroxysms, fainting fits and convulsions, catalepsy, etc.
  • Much nervous trembling and frequent fainting.
  • Faints easily; faints dead away from the least excitement.
  • In nervous or spasmodic complaints where the patient feels very cold & in epileptic fits where there is rigor or chilliness, or shuddering as though the patient was very cold.
  • Sexual desire is much excited in both sexes, even in the aged.
  • Headache as if from a heavy weight. As if a cord were frequently drawn and tightened so as to cut head in two.
  • Rushing in ears as from strong wind or from the wing of a bird.
  • Burning heat in bed.
  • The characteristic condition begin worse by cold; there is great sensitiveness to air.

Particulars :

1. Head :

  • Hysterical headaches, with copious colorless urine.
  • Vertigo and wavering before eyes, on least movement of head or eyelids. < stooping, > rising.
  • Heaviness in head.
  • Compressive and stunning headache, esp. just above root of nose; with nausea in evening, > moving head, and in room, > in open air.
  • Congestion in head.
  • Congestion of blood to head, heaviness of head.
  • Compressive pain over root of nose.
  • Pressure on top of head.

2. Ears :

  • Rushing sounds in ears as from wind, or fluttering as the wing of a bird.
  • Eruptions on ears, with burning pain after being scratched.
  • Hardness of hearing.
  • Discharge of cerumen from ears.

3. Stomach:

  • Craves beer or brandy.
  • Desire for black coffee, stimulants.
  • Aversion to food. The sight of it makes her sick. Vomiting.
  • Pressive, burning pain and distension of stomach.
  • Sensation of fulness and obstruction in region of stomach and epigastrium, sometimes with uneasiness, < after a moderate meal.
  • Faints while eating.
  • With stomach symptoms, anxiety in chest.

4. Respiration:

  • Laryngismus stridulous in self-willed girls when they fail to have their own way.
  • Tightness of chest, is obliged to take a deeper breath.
  • Sudden constriction of larynx and trachea.
  • Asthma, with intense anxiety, fear, and smothering sensation.
  • Cramp-like and suffocating constriction in chest, esp. after taking cold.
  • Angina, tightness of chest, obliged to breathe forcibly.
  • Spasmodic croup in nervous children after punishment.
  • Dyspnea and oppression of chest and heart.
  • Spasmodic asthma in extremely nervous women and children.
  • Paralysis of chest, rattling, cannot expectorate; fainting.
  • Cough ceases, mucus cannot be expectorated.

5. Limbs : 

  • Restlessness in legs, and tibia cold.
  • One hand hot and pale, the other cold and red.
  • Trembling in legs, as after great fatigue, when seated.
  • Sensation of coldness on tibia.
  • Drawing pains along the entire extent of the arm, and esp. in wrists, as from cramp.
  • Convulsive movements of hands and fingers.
  • Swelling of hands, with shooting pains.
  • Limbs; tense, feel too short.

General Modalities :

< in open air, rubbing.

>  cold. The open air is felt very, very cold.

Relationship :

Compare : Nux mosch; Asaf; Valer; Sumbul; Ign; Castor.

Compatible : Ambra.

Antidotes : Camph; Coff.



Worked By : Sunitha Asir (Final BHMS)






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