Clinical Tips

Anacardium Orientale | Homeopathic Materia Medica | HDS

Anacardium Orientale
Anacardium Orientale

Anacardium Orientale | Homeopathic Materia Medica | HDS

Anacardium is a homeopathic remedy derived from the nut of the cashew tree, Anacardium orientale. In homeopathy, it is primarily used to treat a range of physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. It is believed to be particularly useful for individuals who experience a combination of inner conflict, low self-esteem, and a sense of duality.

Common Name :  Marking Nut

Source :  Vegetable Kingdom

Family :  Anacardiaceae

Ailments :  Bad effects of mental excitement, excessive utilization of brain for purposeless thoughts, emotions, anger, fright, care, sedentary habits, mental exertion, over study, suppressed eruptions.

Constitution :  Suits better to the old people or nervous hysterical women where there is impaired memory, depression and irritability.

Mental Symptoms :

  • Feels as though he had two wills, one commanding him to do what the other forbids.
  • Fixed ideas.
  • Sensation as if the mind were separated from the body.
  • Hallucinations
  •  Profound melancholy and hypochondriasis
  • Delusion, that he is separated from the world.
  • Unfeeling, hard-hearted.
  • Delusion, of being double.
  • Delusion, is under super-human control.
  • Delusion, sees devils.
  • Cruelty, inhumanity.
  • Cursing.
  • Hatred.
  • Senile dementia.
  • Moral feeling, want of.
  • Kill, desire to.
  • Kisses his companion’s hands.
  • Sudden loss of memory.
  • Timidity, bashful.
  • Rage, leading to violent deeds.
  • Feelings of indecision.
  • self-doubt.
  • lack of confidence.
  • Irresistible desire to curse and swear .
  • Suspiciousness.
  • self-punishing behaviors.
  • Strange temper, laughs at serious matters and is serious over laughable things.

Clinical Conditions :

Alcoholism. Apoplexy. Brain-fag. Constipation. Cough. Debility. Dysmenorrhea. Dyspepsia. Eczema. Elephantiasis. Examination funk. Hemorrhoids. Headache. Heart, affections of. Hypochondriasis. Hysteria. Insanity. Memory, loss of. Mental weakness. Nervous ailments. Palpitation. Paralysis. Pemphigus. Rheumatism. Self-abuse. Skin, diseases of. Smell, illusions of. Spine, affections of. Stiff-neck. Vomiting of pregnancy. Whooping-cough. Warts. Writer’s cramp.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms :

  1. The Anacardium patient is found mostly among the neurasthenics; such have a type of nervous dyspepsia, relieved by food.
  2. Soon forgets everything; consciousness of forgetfulness takes away appetite. Impaired memory.
  3. Syphilitic patients often suffer with these conditions. Intermittency of symptoms.
  4. A very characteristic sensation is a pressing or penetrating pain as from a plug, which may occur in any locality in connection with neuralgias.
  5. Paralysed feeling in knees. Sensation as if knees were bandaged.
  6. Aversion to work; lacks self-confidence; irresistible desire to swear and curse.

Particulars :

1. Head : 

  • Head confused.
  • Fits of giddiness.
  • Vertigo on walking, as if all objects were too distant, or undulating.
  • Whirling dizziness, with obscuration of the eyes on stooping.
  • Congestion of blood to the head, with pain in the cerebellum. Vertigo.
  • Pressing pain, as from a plug; worse after mental exertion-in forehead; occiput, temples, vertex; better during a meal.
  • Itching and little boils on scalp.
  • Pressive pain in the temple, as from a nail; < after eating, in the cold air, and from exertions of the mind.

2.  Eyes :

  • Painful pressure on the eyes.
  • Pressure in the eyes as from a plug.
  • Objects appear too far off. Photophobia.
  • Contraction of the pupils.
  • Weakness and confusion of sight.
  • Myopia.
  • Threads and black spots appear before the eyes.
  • A nimbus round the candle in the evening.
  • Indistinct vision.

3. Ears :

  • Pressing in the ears as from a plug.
  • Hard of hearing.
  • Shooting and tearing otalgia.
  • Itching in the ears.
  • Hardness of hearing.
  • Buzzing and roaring in the ears.

4. Nose :

  • Epistaxis.
  • Diminution of the sense of smell.
  • Anosmia.
  • The sense of smell is too acute or illusory.
  • Constant smell before the nose, as of pigeon’s dung or burning tinder.
  • Stoppage of the nose, with sensation of dryness in the nostrils.
  • Coryza (sneezing and lachrymation), and discharge of mucus from the nose.
  • Coryza with palpitation, especially in the aged.

5. Face :

  • Blue rings around eyes.
  • Face pale.
  • Rough spots, scurfy and mealy, round the mouth and on the cheeks, with crawling-like itching.
  • Burning sensation round the chin.
  • Eczema of face and neck, with eruption of small blisters, intensely itching.

6. Stomach :

  • Weak digestion, with fullness and distention.
  • Empty feeling in stomach.
  • Eructation, nausea, vomiting.
  • Eating relieves the Anacardium dyspepsia.
  • Apt to choke when eating or drinking.
  • Swallows food and drinks hastily.
  • In the evening, water-brash and vomiting, followed by acidity in the mouth.
  • Shootings in the pit of the stomach, chiefly on breathing.

7. Stool and Anus :

  • Fruitless inclination to go to stool.
  • Urgent desire which passes away with effort to expel.
  • Difficult evacuation even of soft stools, from inactivity of the rectum.
  • Stools of a pale colour.
  • Evacuation of blood with the stools.
  • Painful piles (both blind and bleeding) in the anus.
  • spasmodic constriction of sphincter ani; even soft stool passes with difficulty.

8. Male :

  • Voluptuous itching; Increased or inexcitable sexual desire, seminal emissions without dreams.
  • Prostatic discharge during stool.
  • Voluptuous itching in the scrotum.

9. Female :

  • LeucorrhÅ“a, with soreness and itching.
  • Menses scanty.
  • Nausea during pregnancy, > whilst eating.

10. Respiratory Organs :

  • Hoarseness and sensation of excoriation in the throat, principally after a meal.
  • Cough, with tickling in the throat and choking.
  • Cough after meals (with loss of smell and taste) with vomiting of what has been taken, or in the evening, in bed, with congestion of blood to the head.
  • Oppression of chest, with internal heat and anxiety, driving him into open air.
  • Cough excited by talking, in children, after fit of temper.
  • Expectoration of blood with the cough.
  • On coughing, pain in the head.
  • Yawning after a violent fit of coughing.

11. Extremities :

  • Neuralgia in thumb.
  • Paralytic weakness.
  • Cramps in calves.
  • Pressure as from a plug in the glutei.
  • Warts on palms of hands.
  • Fingers swollen with vesicular eruption.
  • Trembling, drawing, and jerking in the knees and in the thighs, as if the legs were fatigued by walking.
  • Quivering pressure in the thighs.
  • Sensation of paralysis in the knees.
  • Itchy eruption round the knee, as far as the calves of the legs.
  • Jerking and cramp-like pressure in the calves of the legs, and in the legs.

12. Sleep :

  • Comatose somnolency, night and day. Spells of sleeplessness lasting for several nights.
  • Anxious dreams. Dreams of projects, of fire, of diseases, of deaths, and of dangers.
  • At night, toothache; pains in the limbs and in the bones, diarrhÅ“a, cramps in the calves of the legs, and twitching of the mouth and of the fingers during sleep.

13. Skin :

  • Burning itching, increased by scratching.
  • Covered with blisters, from the size of a pin’s head to a pea, often scarlet red, and sometimes sense of burning.
  • Skin not easily excited by irritants.
  • swelling, urticaria; eruption like that of Poison-Oak. Lichen planus; neurotic eczema.
  • Warts on hands.
  • Ulcer formation on forearm.

General Modalities :

Aggravation –

  • Mental and emotional strain
  • Mental effort
  • Suppression of emotions
  • Cold weather
  • on application of hot water

Amelioration –

  • Eating
  • Warmth
  • Rest
  • When lying on side.
  • from rubbing.




Worked By : Sunitha Asir (Final BHMS)




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