Clinical Tips

Mercurius Cyanatus | Homeopathic Remedy | HDS

Mercurius Cyanatus

Of this form of Mercury no regular proving has been made, the symptoms are toxicological & clinical.

Mercurius Cyanatus is needed in serious conditions of Throat.

Great weakness, extreme prostration, cannot stand up from weakness.

Malignant diphtheria with intense redness of fauces and great difficulty of swallowing.

Putrid gangrenous diphtheria with phagedenic ulceration, membranous croup.

When it corresponds to the genus epidemicus, like every other remedy, is effective as a prophylactic.

Head :
– Great excitement, fits of passion, atrocious headache, pale face.

Throat :
– Throat feels raw & sore.
– Mucous membranes broken down & ulcerated.
– Looks raw in spots, especially in public speakers.
– hoarseness of voice and talking is painful.
– Necrotic destruction of soft parts of palate & fauces.
– Intense redness of fauces.
– Swallowing is very difficult.
– Dark blood from nose.
– Diphtheria of the larynx & nose.

Skin :
– Moisture, with Icy coldness.

Stomach :
– Nausea, Vomiting, Hiccough, Abdomen painful & tender to touch.

Stool and Anus :
-Round anus: small piles; pains (and in rectum) when sitting; sensitive light red swelling; diphtheritic deposit.
-Frequent urging to stool with tenesmus.
-Frequent diarrhea preceded by severe colic.
-Offensive, green, slimy stools.
-Bloody stools.
-Scanty stools.
-Obstinate constipation (later effect).

14. Urinary Organs.
-Micturition painful.
-Urine: albuminous; amber yellow; retained; completely suppressed

General Modaltities :
Aggravation – Sitting up, at night.

Clinical Importance –

Sore throat
Enteric fever
Kerato-iritis syphilitica


Compare: Ar. tri., Caust., Hep., K. bi., Phyt., Echin., Lach., Gels.


  1. Materia Medica Keynotes by Henry C. Allen.
  2. Boericke W, Boericke OE. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory comprising of the characteristics and guiding symptoms of all remedies.
  3. Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke.


Worked By : Sunitha Asir (Final BHMS)


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