Clinical Tips

Parts Of The Upper limb | Introduction | Anatomy | HDS

Parts Of The Upper limb

The upper limb is made up of four parts:

1. Shoulder :

A) Region

a. Pectoral or breast region on the front

b. Axilla or armpit

c. Scapular region on the back

B) Bones

a. Clavicle bone

b. Scapula bone

C) Joints

a. Sternum – Clavicle : Sternoclavicular joint

b. Scapula – Clavicle : Acromioclavicular joint

2. The upper Arm or Brachium :

A) Region

Shoulder to elbow ( cubitus)

B) Bones


C) Joints

a. Upper part of humerus – shoulder : shoulder joint

3. The Forearm or antebrachium

A) Region

Elbow (cubitus) to wrist

B) Bones

a. Radius

b. Ulna

C) Joints

a. Lower part of humerus – upper part of radius : Elbow joint

b. Radius – ulna : Radioulnar Joint

4. The Hand or Manus

A) Region

a. Wrist

b. Hand proper

c. Digits

B) Bones

a. Carpus ( 8 carpel Bones )

b. Metacarpus ( 5 metacarpal bones )

c. Phalanges ( 3 each at fingers and 2 at thumb )

C) Joints

a. Radius – Carpal : Wrist or Radiocarpal joints

b. Carpal – Metacarpal : Carpometacarpal joints

c. Carpal – Carpal : Intercarpal joints

d. Metacarpal – Phalanges : Metacarpophalangeal joints

e. Phalanges – Phalanges : Interphalangeal joints


Reference : B D Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy

By Laxmi Murugan




















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