Clinical Tips

Homeopathic management for corneal diseases | HDS

Homeopathic management for corneal diseases:


Inflammation and congestion of sclera and conjunctiva. Sensation of dryness in the eyes. Eye lids are swollen red and burning. Profuse watery discharge on exposure to light, dry cold winds. Eyes stick with discharge of yellowish white in nature. Worse on exposure to light.


Eye diseases are due to exposure to cold air and also post traumatic. Catarrhal and inflammatory condition of the cornea with copious discharge. Watery discharge from eyes. Burning and swelling of the eyelids. Ulceration of cornea. Diplopia or blurred vision due to paralysis of optic nerve.


Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva. Eye lids are red and burning lachrymation. Thirstlessness.

Kali hydriodicum:

Conjunctivitis with redness of the sclera and cornea. Profuse lachrymation. Best remedy for iritis which had history of syphilis. pustular keratitis and chemosis. Lachrymation is bland and thin.

Calcarea carbonica:

Ulceration of conjunctiva profuse lachrymation. Ulcers and spots on cornea. Lachrymal ducts gets closed due to exposure to cold. Easy fatigue of eyes. Hemiopia. Burning and itching of eye lids and swollen. Scrofulous ophthalmia.


Corneal opacity, vision blurred, smoky, dim sighted. Neuralgic pain in the eyes. Inflammation of cornea, bruised and neuralgic pain in eyes. Twisting of eye lids. Pupils are dilated. Deep inflammation causes haziness of vision. Diplopia.


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