Clinical Tips

Homeopathic management for Otorrhoea | HDS

Homeopathic management for otorrhoea:

Arsenicum Album:

Acute otitis media secondary to upper respiratory tract infection. Sudden pain in ear. Mucous membrane of the internal and middle ear is inflammed and burning. Thin excoriating offensive otorrhoea. Roaring in the ear during paroxysm at midnight. Itching in middle ear. Tissue of meatus red and inflammed oozing clear watery fluid. Red burning pustules which turn into painful ulcers.


Indicated in chronic otitis media. Catarrhal and inflammatory condition of ear with bland yellowish sticky green thick discharge. Pain worse at night better by walking slowly in cold and open air. Ear drum ruptured, thus to form a perforation. Abscess in middle ear, otorrhoea and otitis media especially after scarlet fever or secondary to upper respiratory tract infection.


Eczema behind ear with chronic otitis media. Rupture of tympanum. Large quantity of pus pouring out of affected ear. Smell like fish pickle. Itching swelling throbbing in meatus. Hearing impaired. Ear is bluish red and oedematous.


Skin is raw and red. Oozing from behind the ear, offensive discharge from the ezcema around ear and skin eruptions. Intolerable itching. Chronic otorrhoea. Offensive purulent discharges with pustules in middle ear. Yellow foetid discharge with intense itching.

Kali Bichromicum:

Middle and internal ear are swollen oedematous and tearing type of pain in ear. Chronic otitis media with intense irritation, discharge is minimal. Discharge is thick and offensive when the disease becomes chronic. Discharge are sticky, stringy, thick and can be drawn in long strings. Sharp stitching pain in ear to throat.


Roaring and stinging pain in ear. Tearing pain from zygoma into the ear. Ear infection is secondary to the wax in the ear. Ear is sensitive to noise, meatus is over sensitive. Inflammation of external canal may be associated with furuncle or widespread.

Muriatic acid:

Pain in middle ear due to chronic otitis media. Otalgia with pressing type of pains. Tingling sensation in middle and internal ear, cold pains running from ears up to the top of head. Sharp boring type of pain in the temporals. Hardness of hearing. Dryness of ear drum.

Merc Sol:

Pain in ear extending to the face and teeth worst by heat of bed. Sensitive to cold. Discharge is thick, yellowish in colour and offensive in nature.




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