Clinical Tips

Mastitis with Homoeopathic Management


Inflammation of breast tissue is mastitis. It may be due to an infections. Commonly appears in breast feeding women’s, rarely appears in non feeding women’s and men’s.

Complain with signs and symptoms of tenderness, warmthness, swelling, wedge shaped redness appears, burning sensation while feeding, and with fever of >101°F.

Homeopathic management for mastitis:


Skin over breast is rough and hard, dryness near areola. Skin eruptions are itching and exudate which is watery and transparent.  In feeding women’s, mastitis appears in first months, discharge from ulcers is thin and sticky. Cracks and fissures on the nipples and areola, which are tender and sensitive. Hard cicatrices appears after abscesses so that their is suppression of milk flow. Mastitis associates with eczema and herpetic eruptions on various parts.

Apis mellifica:

Skin of breast is sore and sensitive, shows redness, swelling, warmthness, tenderness over the area. Stinging pain with burning sensation over nipples. Sometime associates with oedema of breast with erysipelatous Inflammation, continuous profuse bleeding.


Mastitis is secondary to pyogenic infections, and due to engorgement with milk in early days of feeding. Nipples are hard, red, tender to touch, she doesn’t allow to touch the parts. Soreness and intense pain, restlessness due to Inflammation.

Bryonia Alba:

Breast is very hot and Stony hard, sensation of heavy like stone. Skin appears red or pale, stitching and tearing pain , which aggravates on any movement, relieved by rest. She has to support the breast while coughing, moving or even while standing. Mastitis assciates with painful menses, ovaritis.


Mastitis in young girls due to mechanical pressure. Local irritation due to tight elastic brassiers. Shows local inflammatory condition. In lactating women mastitis appears in first stage. Discharge from breast are thick, bland, and greenish yellow in colour. Pain associates with chilliness.


Inflammation spread from nipples to periphery. Eruptions on breast, especially vesicular or pustular, skin appears as dirty, with intense itching, very sensitive to touch, even the cloth. Suppuration is seen in breast region.

Secale Cor:

These ladies have violent inflammation of breast, burning pain which aggravates by heat. Multiple eruptions around breast results in abscesses, resulting of green pus discharge. Boils appears as purple in colour with greenish pus. Horrible offensive bloody discharge.


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