Clinical Tips

Cystitis with Homeopathy – Homoeopathic Drug Shots


Inflammation of bladder. It may be due to any infections, leads to inflammation.

Symptoms are frequent urging for urination, cloudy or strong smell of urine, cramping pain in abdomen, blood in urine, sensation of pressure in bladder, pain during sexual intercourse.

Inflammation of bladder. It may be due to any infections, leads to inflammation.

Homeopathic management for cystitis:


Bloody urine with intense burning pain in the bladder. Sensation of passing stool while urinating. Bladder neck is contracted, sphincter of bladder neck goes into spasm leads to lancinating pian in bladder neck. Painful discharge of few drops of high coloured urine causing a very sharp pain. Sensation as if red hot iron were passed along urethra. Cutting pain in urethra and bladder, urging to urinate from smallest quantity of urine.


Dull cutting pain in urinary bladder and sensation as if a ball is rolling in the bladder. Urine burns the whole passage while urimaurin. Tearing type of pain at the neck of bladder. Neuralgic pain in the bladder which extends to coccyx , worse when rising from sitting posture.

Chimaphila umbellata:

Scanty urine containing a large quantities of much purulent sediment. Urine is thick, ropy, of brick colour and bloody sediment. Urging to urinate, sensation of fullness in the bladder region. Urine turbid and offensive. Burning and scalding during micturation. Retention of urine due to inflaInflamm of mucous membrane of bladder and trigone of bladder. Unable to urinate without standing with feet wide apart and body inclined forward constipation.


Frequent urging to pass the urine. Urine pass in drops, burning and tenesmus in the bladder neck. Sharp cutting type of pain in fundus of bladder. Retention due to passive moment of sphincter of bladder neck.

Cannabis indica:

Inflammation of kidney due to retrograde infection from bladder with sore bruised and stitching type of pains. Burning and stinging type of pain in urethra before, during and after micturation. Increased frequency of micturation especially at night times. Patient has to wait before urine glows. Dribbling of urine with mucous or yellowish thick discharge from urethra, need strain while micturation.


Indicated remedy for chronic cystitis. Frequent urging to urinate. Neuralgia of the kidney due to Inflammation. Violent burning pains before and after urination. Urine is scanty and slimy, flows freely while standing, but not able to urinate in sitting position.

Pareira brava:

Black, bloody, thick urine with mucous scald, constant urging needs strain to pass urine. Pain in thighs during urination, can pass urine when patient goes on knees. Bladder distended and the pain trasversing towards the thighs. Sediment of red sand with strong smell of ammonia to urine. Dribbling of urine.


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