Clinical Tips

Cervical Polyp with Homeopathy

Cervical Polyp:

Cervical polyp are benign tumors in cervical canal.

Homeopathic management for cervical polyp:

Calcarea fluorica:

Polyp appears as pedunculated hard growth, it may be due to sexually transmitted diseases or suppression of syphilis. Pain of cutting type, bleed on touch which is dark red in colour, pain extends to back to sacrum aggravates on rest and ameliorates on movement and warm application.


Polyps are due to Inflammation of cervical tissue. Cervical growth protrude into vagina which bleeds on touch. Associates with profuse leuchleucor with burning and itching, cervix looks as red, dull pain in ovary.


Polyps are due to suppression of gonorrhea. Looks like warts or fig warts, pedunculated,pale growth. Complaint of leucorrhoea which is thick greenish in colour with severe pain in ovarian region, pain extends to back.


Single or multiple, small pea size polyp, which bleeds on touch, associates with shooting pain from sacrum to pubis and from vagina to uterus. Mucous polyp is well treated. polyps are due to suppression of sexually transmitted diseases.

Calcarea carbonica:

Polyps are bright red in colour, thin walled, pedunculated, soft and slippery in endocervicitis region which show typical metaplasia simulation of malignant condition.

Fraxinus Americana:

Due to fibrous growth in endocervix, this tumors leaves capsular bed and become pedunculated, sessile, it may b large or moderate size.

Kali iodide:

Polyps have capsule of endometrium or endocervix which they gets blood supply. Large polyps shows adenomyomatous structure, get ulcerated and infected. Due to infection there is leucorrhoea, which is corrosive in nature.


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