Clinical Tips

Prolapse of uterus with Homeopathy

Prolapse of uterus:

Descending down of uterus from it’s normal position is known as Prolapse of uterus.

It may be occurred due to weakening of muscles and ligaments which are supported to uterus.

It may be complete or incomplete prolapse.

Incomplete – descending down the uterus partially into vagina.

Complete – descending down the uterus completely out of vagina.

Degree’s of prolapse of uterus:

There are 4 degrees:

1. Cervix descendes into vagina.

2. Cervix descendes just above the inside opening of bagina.

3. Cervix is in outside the vagina.

4. Entire uterus is in outside of vagina, this condition is called procidentia.

Signs and symptoms:

Sensation as if they are sitting on ball.

Vaginal bleeding.

Recurrent infections.


Difficulty during sexual intercourse.

Difficulty while passing urine.

 Diagnosed by:

Pelvic examination or speculum examination.

Homeopathic remedies for Prolapse of uterus:


Collinsonia patients during pregnancy suffers from constipation so they feel obstruction. While passing stool they has to strain much, it leads to prolapse of uterus. During labour, patient is having incompetency of the os, so she want to strain for delivery, it leads to Prolapse of uterus. She also Complaint for bleeding piles with intensive stitching pain. If piles was suppressed their is a dull, frontal headache.

Stool evacuated in form of lumps, she want to strain while evacuation, it was associated with pain in anus and in hypogastrium.


Aggravation by cold in general, stress.

Amelioration by rest, heat in general.


Prolapse of uterus is due to pouring diarrhoea, overlifting, after parturition, chronic dehydration, loss of muscular tonicity. Patient having long standing diarrhoea which aggravates on early morning.

Diarrhoea of podophyllum, having a 5 P’s characteristic Symptoms – Profuse, Painless, Putrid, Polychromatic, Prolapsing.

Second degree of Prolapse of uterus, sensation of bearing down, cervix lies at external os.


Aggravation by early morning, hot weather.

Amelioration by lying on abdomen.


Damage of pelvic muscles during childbirth causes a atony of muscles especially broad ligament of uterus leads to prolapse of uterus.

Sensation of bearing down, must cross her legs while sitting to prevent Prolapsing. Fourth degree prolapse is seen, leads to leucorrhoea discharge which is yellowish green in colour, causes intense itching, with redness, swelling and Eruptions.

Prolapse of uterus is also associates with prolapse of bladder, patient complete as if she want to push uterus inside by hands for micturition. She have urging for urination due to pressure on bladder.


Aggravation by evening, afternoon, sitting, walking, after eating.

Amelioration by open air, crossing her legs.

Lilium tigrinum:

Prolapse of uterus during parturition due to improper cervical dilatation. This may be associates with cystocele, rectocele, and relaxed perineum. Heaviness and dragging down sensation in hypogastrium. She need support not to descending of pelvic organs. Their is a constant desire for defecation.


Aggravation by losing self control, evening, night.

Amelioration by warmth in general, day time, fresh air.

Agaricus muscarius:

Prolapse of uterus is due to genital Prolapse. Complaint of irregular menses with intolerable bearing down pain, as if she is going to delivery a baby, intense itching and irritation of parts. Prolapse of uterus associates with stiffness in nape of neck and between shoulders, pain radiate up and down to lumbar region, tremors of hands, twisting of muscles, continuous sneezing and loud coughing.


Aggravation by taking food, in winter season, before thunderstorm, open air, after coitus.

Amelioration by walking gently.

Aloe socotrine:

Patient has sedentary habit causes haemorrhoids and also rectocele which ultimately results prolapse of uterus due to pressure. Sensation of bearing down in rectum with incontinence of urine. Sensation of heaviness in uterus across groin and loins. Piles and headache are alternating with backache. Patient feels heaviness of uterus and Prolapse in women’s of menopause.


Aggravation after eating and drinking, hot weather, at morning.

Amelioration by cold.

Calcarea carb :

In calc.carb Prolapse of uterus is due to mainly loss of pelvic support and increase of abdominal pressure. Associates with cystocele. patient having constipation they are to be removed mechanically, to overcome this patient does straining to pass stool. Frequency of micturition increases during daytime when patient is in standing position, during lying position frequency  decreases. Heaviness in lower part of rectum, abdomen is too hard and distended with spasmodic pains. Pressure in stomach as lump, it causes pressure on uterus.


Aggravation by cold in general, after exertion and eating, at morning.

Amelioration by warmth in general, dry climate, lying down.


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