Clinical Tips

Postpartum hemorrhage with Homeopathy

Postpartum hemorrhage:

Postpartum hemorrhage is considered when blood loss is more than 500ml in normal delivery (or) more than 1000ml in caesarean delivery following birth which is primary one, secondary postpartum hemorrhage is bleeding from second day to six weeks after birth.


It may be due to any trauma, tissue damage, loss of uterus tonicity, any bleeding disorders.

Signs and symptoms:

Increase of heart rate and respiratory rate, low blood pressure, sensation of fainting, unconscious.

Homeopathic management for postpartum hemorrhage:

Nitric acid:

It is a good remedy for profuse bleeding after a long strain, delayed third stage labour, where placenta afherena to the uyeruufor long time. Blood is bright red or nay be dark, which is profuse and coagulable with stitching, piercing and lancinating pains. Every hemorrhage is splinter like pain,pain extends to back, hips and thighs. Tachycardia, anemic condition and hypotension are cardinal signs of shock was observed. Itching and burning pain in genital region.


Aggravation by extreme heat or cold, night.

Amelioration by moving.


Placenta remain adherent to uterus, so the traction was applied on it, leads to slow gushes of blood from uterus. Heavy persistent pain in uterus, pressing pain in abdomen and back which extends to uterus, pain makes her to bend double. Blood flow is thick and changeable in nature, which is associated with vomiting.


Aggravation by rest, lying on left side, heat in general, evening.

Amelioration by sitting erect, open air, on moving.

Cinchona officinalis:

This lady having hemorrhagic diathesis she bleeds continuously and copiously, and uterus was atonic. Blood was dark and clotted. Person face and extremities appears as pallor or bluishness and body become cold, associated with cramps in muscles and convulsion sets. After labour, their is profuse uncoagulable hemorrhage is seen.


Aggravation by bending, night, touch.

Amelioration by open air, hard pressure, warmth.

Ustilago maydis:

Hemorrhage is due to hypertrophic uterus which is atonic, and placenta was unable to deliver. Blood is bright red or dark in colour which is clotted. Slightest movement cause oozing of blood and blood is drawn into long dark strings. Palpitation with feeble pulse.


Aggravation by touch, motion.

Amelioration by rest.


Cinnamonum lady is weak, feeble, and anemic due to history of Menorrhagia and melaena condition. Relaxation of smooth muscles leads to relaxation of vessels especially arteries, so their is an copious, bright red blood flow. Hemorrhage appears some days after delivery.


Aggravation by physical exertion, any strain.

Amelioration by rest.

Nux Vom:

Uterine cramps and intense bearing down sensation. Blood from uterus is black, she faints frequently due to bleeding. Postpartum hemorrhage is asscassoci with Complaint of constipation, and sacral pains. Buring and bruised neuralgic pains.


Aggravation by mental and physical exertion, dry and cold air.

Amelioration by rest, lying down, damp wet weather.

Trillium pendulum:

Trillium is having hemorrhage from any orifice, pelvic organs are relaxed. Blood is bright red colour. She feels as if her hip and thighs would break into pieces. Chronic hemorrhage leads to anemic and character of blood changes to pale. Urine dribbling after giving birth.


Aggravation by exertion.

Amelioration by tight bandage around hip.


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