Clinical Tips

Endocervicitis Introduction with Homeopathic management


Endocervix is known as inner lining of cervix, it is a connective canal between vagina and uterus. When it was inflammed it is known as endocervicitis.


Caused by infections mostly the gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes.

Any allergic reactions.

Any bacterial growth.


Vaginal discharge, and bleeding from vagina after intercourse.

Frequent urination,

Painful urination,

Bleeding between menses.


Pelvic examination shows swelling and tenderness.

Pap test is done

Homeopathic management for endocervicitis:


EndoCervicitis is due to Inflammation around endocervical glands leads to thick, yellowish, and ropy secretions with sensation of relaxation. Excessive leucorrhoea before menses. EndoCervicitis is associated with metrorrhagia or intermenstrual bleeding, back pain, chronic constipation.


Aggravation by warmth in general, heat of bed, movement.

Amelioration by rest, open air, cold in general.

Mercuris Sol:

Chronic Inflammatory lesion appears in fibromuscular layer of cervix, it may be due to suppression of sexually transmitted infection. Parts are sore due to Inflammation and leucorrhoea appears which is pale, acrid. Their is formation of multiple boils in and around genitalia.


Aggravation at night, after perspiration, damp wet weather, change of season.

Amelioration by rest and open air, sitting position.

Nitric acid:

Multiple ulceration in endocervical region with soreness of genital organs. Due to Inflammation of cervical canal leucorrhoea present. On examination cervix looks like bright red in colour. Bleeding from uterus due to ascending infection. Stitching type of pain in vagina and cervix extends to hips, back of thighs.


Aggravation at cold climate and also hot weather, and at evening and night time.

Amelioration while riding in carriage.

Hepar sulph:

Secondary infection leads to bleeding and mucus discharge from the uterus after labour or abortion. Multiple small papules appears initially in Endocervical region which finally turns into pustules, at that time it is associated with high grade of fever. Leucorrhoea due to suppuration, which is offensive like old cheese.


Aggravation by dry cold wind, touch.

Amelioration by warmth, wrapping of parts.

Arsenic album:

Due to Inflammatory condition of cervix their will be dryness and itching of vagina with burning and stinging pains, oedematous condition of genitalia. Thick and acrid discharge.


Aggravation by cold in any form, midday and midnight, over ripe fruits.

Amelioration by warmth in general, rest.


It is a best remedy for endocervicitis due to suppressed gonorrhea. Their is a voilent pain with intense pruritus, with leucorrhoea discharge of thin, acrid, excoriating with fishy odour. Menses are offensive, profuse, dark, clotted, stains are very difficult to wash. Associated with high grade fever and backache.


Aggravation by thinking of her Complaints, sunrise to sunset, heat in general.

Amelioration by damp wet weather, lying on stomach.






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