Clinical Tips

Backache with Homeopathy

Backache with Homeopathy:

Kali bichromicum:

Rheumatic type of pain in back, in which stabbing, sharp, shooting type of pain present. Pain extends up and down. In left side pain extends from scapular region to hip. Pain in coccyx, cutting type of pain in loins which is shifting in nature makes the patient difficult while walking. Pains mostly wandering along the bones. Pressure on mostly lumbar vertebrae of L4, L5 results left sided sciatica. Sore and bruised sensation in bones, tearing pains in muscles of back which is associated with Swelling and stiffness of joints. In joints, their is a crackling sound on movement. Pain in tendo achillis shows swelling of part. Pain represents in small spots that can be covered with tip of fingers.


Aggravation at cold atmosphere, morning

Amelioration by pressure and lying down.

Rhus tox:

Rheumatic pain of back due to straining, sexual excess, exposure to cold, damp weather. Constricted pain on sitting, soreness, lameness and bruised feeling. Pain between scapula while swallowing and in tension. Rhuematic stiffness in nape of nek after strain and overlifting. Sensation of burning in loins with contusive pains in lumbar region.


Aggravation at rest, changing the position.

Amelioration by continuous motion.

Aesculus hippocastanum:

Backache mostly commonly associates with haemorrhoids in ladies. Rheumatic pain with fullness along with muscular pain. Paralytic feeling in back and spin which is very marked symptom. Weakness, weariness and lameness in lumbar region. Constant dull aching pain in back across hip and sacrum. Makes the patient , unable to sit in morning.


Aggravation when stooping and walking, turns in bed.

Amelioration by cold, open air.

Arnica Montana:

Backache due to over exertion and straining, blow, fall, blunt trauma, mechanical injuries. Sore, lame, bruised pain with great sensitiveness to pressure. Backache due to trauma or contusion, shows blue or black in color due to extravasation of blood. Pressive pains between the scapular with crawling in vertebral column. Paretic and paralytic sensation of parts. Mostly ascending type of rheumatism from sacrum to cervical region, can’t bear the pains, can’t walk erect. Patient feels too hard on lying. Sprain and dislocation of parts are treated best by this remedy.


Aggravation by least touch, motion, rest, cold weather.

Amelioration by lying down in head low position.

Ammonium mur:

Bruised and sprained sensation in between the scapular region with feeling as if skin was stretched tight. Icy coldness between shoulders. Pain in back which is followed by itching. Bruised pains in coccyx when sitting. Joints appears as oedematous and cracking sounds. Neuralgic pain in extremities makes unable to walk, can’t walk in erect.


Aggravation after walking, morning.

Amelioration by open air.


Pain in cervical region mostly upper and lower vertebrae, which is tender to touch, pain extends downwards to back. Soreness with bruised feeling all over the body. Stiffness and contraction in nape of neck and back is marked symptom. Spasm of intercostal muscles causing dyspnoea. Rhuematic pain in back, extends to hip and thighs which is heaviness feeling in lower extremities.


Aggravation by cold.

Amelioration by warmth.

Carbolic acid:

Heaviness in cervical region, tenderness to touch. Pains are terrible, comes and go suddenly. Soreness of muscles of back extends to lower extremities makes her hardly stretch her legs straight.


Aggravation by riding and movement, exertion.

Amelioration by rest.



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