Clinical Tips

Somnambulism Symptoms and Homeopathic Management | HDS


Somnambulism is also known as noctambulism, it is combined phenomenon of sleep and wakefulness.

It occurs in sub conscious and with different activities like talking, sitting up in bed, walking to bathroom, cleaning, driving, and even homicide.

Sleepwalkers have little or no memory about the incidence happen during sleep.

Their eyes are open and expression are dim and glazed over.

It lasts for 30 sec to 30 minutes.


👣Artemisia Vulg:

Habit of Walking or doing any other actions in sleep.

👣Natrum Mur:

Rising from sleep and sitting in the room while sleeping.


Sees everything , but forgets after waking from sleep.

👣Kali brom:

Somnambulism mostly in childreen.

👣Zincum met:

Cries loudly during sleep. Screaming out at night in sleep but aware of it.Suppressed from emotion leads to Somnomblusim.

👣Kali phos:

In children’s Nightterrors- screaming, intense fear,flail associates with walking during sleep .


Patient experience Somnombulsim.


Patients come across this symptom Night walking.


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