Clinical Tips

Metrorrhagia and its Homoeopathic Management – HDS

Metrorrhagia Introduction, Causes and its Homoeopathic Management :

Metrorrhagia introduction, causes and its Homoeopathic management refers to Irregular uterine bleeding appears especially in between menstrual periods so it is also known as intermenstrual bleeding.


There are many causes ….few are:

Hormonal changes


Using of oral contraceptive’s or IUD’s


Uterine fibroid

Uterine cancer

Vaginal cancer

Iron deficiency anemic condition also it may appears…


Plumbum metallicum :

Bleeding is due to uterine fibroids or some other systemic diseases like hypertension, muscular atrophy, suppressed eruptions and incomplete abortion.

Bleeding appears as dark,clotted alternates with Frank blood and serum.

Sensation as string pulling from abdomen to back due to difficulty while expel of dark clots from cervical os. Colicky pain radiates to uterine region.


Aggravation for slight movement and at night time.

Amelioration by hard pressure.


It is an anti-haemorrhagic remedy.

Due to uterine fibroids mostly in intramural region or abnormal growths in uterus.

Bleeding with cramps in lower extremities and pains are alternative in nature. Uterus is sore so it causes severe pain. Bruised feeling in pelvic region. Franky blood.


Metrorrhagia mostly appears in women like thin feeble and cachectic.

Restlessness and lancinating, burning pain in uterus. Sensation as if pain in uterus arises from red hot wires aggravates from least movement. Bleeding leads to great fatigue.


Aggravation from cold application and least movement.

Ameliorates from warm room, rest.


Metrorrhagia due to anaemic Condition and Prolapse of uterus and procedentia leads to profuse haemorrhage. Due to this Patient leads to tiredness and due to Prolapse leads to Secondary infection leads to leucorrhoea, cervical ulcers.

Pains are labour like, uterus seems to be heavy.


Suitable for thin, fair, beautiful ladies with Sandy hair and blue eyes.

Before menses, leucorrhoea appears which is acrid creamy nature with burning sensation.

During menses, bleeding changes it may appears as dark, coagulated and tardy menses which is late, scanty, thick, dark, clotted. Backache associates with bleeding and labour like pain at time of menses. Chilliness and nausea with bearing down pain during menses. Cramping pain in abdomen. Associates with diarrhoea.


Aggravation by warm.

Ameliorations by open air and movements and cold.


Metrorrhagia is due to hormonal imbalance.

Menses appears before 7-10 days of previous menstrual cycle. Bleeding will be gushing of bright red blood from uterus, later blood becomes pale due to anaemia. Menses often due to over exertion, too long rides… Flow will be profuse, with fainty feeling in epigastric region.


Aggravation by movements, heat of sun.

Amelioration by rest, open air, cold.


Mostly suits for hot patients.

Bleeding will be dark, clotted which is offensive and scanty. Every bleeding preceded by strong bearing down pain. Haemorrhage due to atony of uterus protacted labour or miscarriage.


Aggravation by warmth, covering the parts.

Amelioration by cold, pressure on abdomen.


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