Clinical Tips

Leucorrhoea causes and its Homoeopathic management – HDS

What is Leucorrhoea, causes and its Homoeopathic management | HDS

Word meaning :

Fluor Albus, white

Leucorrhoea is a white or yellowish thick discharge from vagina.

Causes: Both primary and secondary

Primary are:

Hormonal imbalance – oestrogen

Vaginal infections


Secondary are :

Inflammatory conditions of vagina and cervix.



Have three major characteristic Symptoms.

First major symptom is recurrent infections both systemic and local with abnormal craving for charcoal,chalk,mud etc..

Second major symptom is lack of exercise.

Third major symptom is anaemic Condition.

Aliments from uncleanliness during menstruation leads to leucorrhoea.

Discharge: profuse which is acrid and ropy transparent.

Sensation: dry of vagina with burning in genitalia.Burning ameliorates by washing parts with cold water.

Yellowish leucorrhoea runs through medial side of thighs down up to heels.

Leucorrhoea associates with constipation and anaemia.

Menses was scanty, delayed and pale menses.


Aggravation in morning

Amelioration by washing parts with cold water.


Leucorrhoea characterized as egg white.

Aliments from : psychological factors and Ill health and under nutrition.

Sensation : hot fluid is flowing through genitalia.

Leucorrhoea especially appears after menses.

Patient having extremely anxious.


Aggravation by downward motion,warm, after menses.

Amelioration by washing parts with cold water.


Discharges are yellow which is acrid and odour like green corn.

Sensation : corrosive itching in the vulva during flow of leucorrhoea.

Burning and swelling of labia. Violent itching present in between labia and thighs.

Aliments from unhygienic with anaemic Condition


Aggravates between menses,cold in general,after menstrual flow.

Ameliorates by warmth in general.


Two major causes of leucorrhoea in natrum muriaticum are

Acute trichomonas and monilial vaginitis or chronic vaginitis especially in pessary Condition and genital prolapse.

Pelvic inflammatory diseases and using of oral contraceptivea may also causes leucorrhoea.

Characterized as acrid, watery, cutting pain in urethra. Ineffectual labour like pain with suppressed menses.

Leucorrhoea appears as white in beginning and it turns green afterwards.

Dryness of vagina present.


Aggravation at 10-11 am, after mental exertion.

Amelioration by open air, lying down.


Aliments from uterine carcinoma and uterine fibroids.psychological conditions like shock, excitement, disappointment, grief,fear etc…

Leucorrhoea during parturition shows violent cramps in limbs and profuse haemorrhagic Condition associates with hysterical and puerperal convulsion.


Aggravation from standing and sitting.

Amelioration by walking in open air.


Aliments from vaginal cyst and heat.

Leucorrhoea appears instead of menses.

Characterized as milky acrid during urination. With intense itching of vulva and vagina.


Aggravation during menses and lying on damp place, full moon, new moon.

Amelioration by warmth, summer.


Keynote symptoms of helonias are sensation of weakness , dragging pain and weight in sacrum and pelvis with great Prostration.

Leucorrhoea characterized as thick, yellow, especially after miscarriage.

Sensation as burning and itching in vulval region. Soreness and heaviness in the womb.

Associates with severe backache.


Aggravates by thinking about the complaints, motion and touch

Ameliorates by keeping herself busy.



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