Clinical Tips

Calculus with Homoeopathic Management – HDS

Calculus with Homoeopathic Management :

Calculus with homoeopathic Management is an important topic in Homoeopathy.  Calculi is also called as stone. Calculi Composed of mineral salts formed within the body or hollow organs or their passages.

Investigation :

USG Abdomen

Complete Blood Count

CT Scan

MRI Scan

X Ray

Homoeopathic remedies for various types of calculus :

Homoeopathic remedies are best for stone breaking

Acid Benz:

It is a good remedy for Strong smelled urine, stones of Uric acid, Gout.

Apis mel:

Stinging type of pain while urinating and burning urine. Last drop of urine burns and smart. Oedematic condition.


Sudden urinary colic onset. Throbbing type of pain.

Berberis v:

Urolithiasis(stones in kidney or bladder or urethra) associates with gout and rheumatism. Calculi on left side of kidney. Bright red sediment urine. Radiating pains, absence of pain while urinating.

Calc carb:

White mealy sedimented urine. Renal colic which is Calcium stones.

Calc phos:

A specific remedy for Renal calculi.


Burning pain while urinating and after urination. Fearful tenesmus present. Renal colic assciates with bloody urine.

Coccus cacti:

Stones with lancinating pain extends from kidney to bladder associates with dysuria.


Renal colic  pain ameliorates by bending double.Pain in whole abdomen while urinating.sensation of crystals stick to vessels.


Renal colic associated with pain in extremities. Pain aggravates while bending double, ameliorates by standing erect.

Epigea rep:

Stone of Uric acid.Symptoms of  Dysuria with tenesmes after urination.Brown sand urine.


Uric acid type of stones. Tenesmus and burning sensation after Urinating.


In urine,White amorphous salts present. Renal colic associates with bloody urine. Sharp pain in left loin. Urine difficult to pass initially.

Lithium carb:

Right renal caliculi and ureteric stones. Turbid urine. Sand deposits in urine.


Stone formation in the ureters.


Back pain ameliorates by urination. Stone formation in Right side. Red sandy urine.

Mag phos:

Spasmodic type of pain due to impacted stone. Pain ameliorates by rubbing, warmth and pressure.


Renal stone associates with painful tenesmus. Urination slow. Their is a history of gonorrhea.

Nitric acid:

Bloody urine with Strong smells like horse’s urine. Pain like splinter.

Nux vom:

Renal colic extends to genitalia with Left sided stones. Frequent urging for urinating.

Ocimum can:

Right sided renal colic associates with Pain in ureters. Urine characterized as odor of musk with Red sand in urine.

Oxalic acid:

Oxalates in urine should urinates when thinking of it. Frequent and copious urine with pain of burning.

Pareira brava:

Urine stones with bladder and prostate disorders. Pain extends to thigh during urination. Bloody urine must strain to pass. Urinating only when kneeling and press head firmly against floor.


Stone associates with urinary infection and high fever.


Right sided renal colic. Characterized with Scanty bloody urine. Pain  appears on conclusion of urination which is thin feeble stream.

Senecio aureus:

Renal colic associates with dark colored bloody urine . Great strain and urging for urination.


Stones are infection which leads to red sand in urine. Even patient feels the urine was offensive.


Bloody urine which is involuntary with red or yellow sediment. Nocturnal enuresis.


Sedimention of urine with scanty flow; Offensive urine.


Pain appears after lithotomy.

Stigmata maydis:

Renal stones associates with enlarged prostate and cystitis. urinary retention present.


Acts for Left sided renal colic along ureter.

Thlaspi bursa:

Phosphatic urine and Renal colic with bricky dust sediment. Spasmodic retention of urine. Chronic condition of cystitis.

Urtica urens:

It acts for elimination of gout and uric acid stones.

Uva ursi:

Calculi associates with cystitis and bloody urine. Infective stones.


Specific remedy for renal stones and its infections.


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