Clinical Tips

RAINY – RUBRICS – REMEDIES – Homeopathic Drug Shots



☔ Complaints < before rainy weather : Phos

☔ Rainy weather > : Caust

☔ Rain weather < : Rhust,SulphurHeavy rain : Dulc, Lemn-mFever after getting wet in rain : Rhust,Nat- Sulph,Aran,Calc,Dulc,Fer

☔ Pain < in wet weather : Med,Thuj (Neuralgic : Med, Tearing pain:Thuja)

☔ Rheumatic pain in joints < : Meli, Rhod

☔ Toothache : Nat-c

☔ Ear pain : Nux-v

☔ Corn < rain : Borax

☔ Itching scalp rainy weather : Mag-c

☔ Wet ground; ailments from sitting :  Ars. calc. caust. Dulc. nat-s. Nux-v. rhod. Rhus-t. sil.

☔ Wet getting heated when : bell-p. rhus-t.

☔ Wet getting – perspiration; during: Acon. ant-c. ars. Bell-p. Bry. calc. Clem. Colch. con. Dulc. nat-c. nat-s. Nux-m. RHUS-T. Sep. Verat-v.

☔ Wet getting head : BellPuls,Sep,rhus-t

☔ Weakness in wet weather : Dulc

☔ Paralysis wet; after getting : Caust, Rhus-t

☔ Sinusitis : Dulc

☔ Inflammation joints : nat-s

☔ Faintness after getting wet : Sepia

☔ Convulsions after getting wet: Cupr

☔ Cold tendency to take we weather in : Calend

☔ Skin complaints : Dulc

☔ Urticaria from rain : Rhus-t

☔ Cracked skin – Hands – wetting, from:  CALC.  Cist. d Puls. Rhus-t.  SEP. SULPH.

☔ Inflammation toes : Nit-acid

☔ Numbness hand after getting wet: Rhus-t

☔ EXTREMITIES – PAIN – weather – wet – agg.:  Arg-met.  CALC.  COLCH.  Dulc.  MERC. nat-s. Nit-ac.  . Phyt. PULS. RHOD. RHUS-T. Sars. Sep.Sil. sulph. Tub. VERAT.

☔ Pain wet; after getting: (2) Dulc,RHUS-T.

☔ Pain Feet – weather – wet – agg.: Dulc,Rhod,Rhus-t.

☔ Pain joints – weather – wet – agg.: (5) cimic,gink-b, nux-m,rhod, RHUS-T.

☔ Stiffness back : Phyt,Rhus-t

☔ Stiffness cervical wetting head from : bell

☔ Lumbago after getting wet : Dulc

☔ Back pain weather – wet – agg.: CALC. DULC.kNux-m,Phyt,Rhod, RHUS-T.

☔ Chest pain weather – wet – agg.: Cupr, Kali-c,NAT-C,Nat-s,Ran-b,rhus-t,Sil.

☔ Pneumonia in wet weather : nat-s

☔ Cough after getting wet.: Calc-s. DULC.  Nux-m,nux-v,psor, Puls, rhus-t.

☔ Cough after getting feet wet : Nux-m

☔ Respiratory from getting wet : Phos, Sepia

☔ Asthma wet weather :  ant-t. ars,aur,DULC, Med,Nat-s. thuj,verat.

☔ COPD :  ars. Dulc,Mang, Sil.

☔ Hoarseness after getting wet : Rhus-t

☔ Voice lost in wet weather : Bar-c

☔ Retention urine weather – cold, wet: Acon.Dulc. gels,rhus-t.

☔ Retention of urine – wet – feet; after getting wet: All-c,Rhus-t.

☔ Dysuria : Colli,All-c

☔ Frequent urination after getting wet : Senec

☔ Frequent urination on exposure to cold and wet : alum,Calc,calc-p, cop,PULS, SARS.sulph.

☔ Diarrhoea after getting wet : Acon. Calc. DULC,RHUS-T, Verat.

☔ Diarrhoea after getting feet wet: RHUS-T

☔ Abdominal pain weather – wet – agg.: ars,Dulc,MANG,Nat-s.

☔ Stomach pain  wet weather : Kali-c,mang, Sulph.

☔ Inflammation of throat : Kali-b

☔ Pain throat weather – wet – agg.: CALC, Dulc,Hep, kola ,lach, phos,Rhus-t,sacch-a.

☔ Eruption face after getting wet: Euphrasia

☔ Nasal obstruction (dry) : Kali-b

☔ Nasal obstruction in wet weather : Dulc, Mang

☔ Sneezing after getting wet : Ocimum Sanctum

☔ Coryza after getting wet : Puls,Rhus-t,sep.

☔ Coryza wet weather : Mercs, Puls

☔ Ear Pain weather – wet – agg.: Calc. Calc-p.Dulc.   Merc,Nat-s, Nux-m,Petr,Puls,Sil.

☔ Conjunctivitis after getting wet : Rhus-t

☔ Headache  wet agg.; getting: (18)  Bell,CALC,Colch Dulc, Led, Nat-m,nux-m, phos, Puls,RHUS-T, Sep.

☔ Stiffness wrist : Rhus-t

☔ Pain wrist: Rhod

☔ Scanty urine : Colch

☔ Sore throat : Calc,Dulc, Hep,Rhus-t.

☔ Tooth ache wet, from getting: Calc,LACH,rhus-t.

☔ Fevers – WET, fever after getting: Calc, Puls,RHUS-T.

☔ Bell’s palsy after getting wet : Caust

☔ Mastitis after getting wet : Phyt

☔ Meningitis after getting wet : Rhus-t 

☔ Fevers – VIRAL, infection, fever with (Murphy) : acon,ars,Bapt, bell,bry, Carc,GELS, merc, nat-m, ph-ac, rhus-t.

☔ DENGUE, fever (Murphy) : (24) Acon,apis ,aran, ars, arum-t,bapt, bell,Bry, canth, chin, coloc, EUP-PER, ferr, gels, ham, ip,merc, nux-v,podo, Rhus-t, rhus-v, sanic, sec,sul-ac.

☔ Fever, heat; dengue fever (complete repertory): EUP-PER GELS ,ACON ,BRY, RHUS-T aran ,rhus-v ,arum-t, sanic, ham ,bapt, podo ,sec, sul-ac, ip zcanth, ferr ,coloc ,apis, chin ,merc ,bell ,ars ,nux-v

☔ Fever, heat; dengue fever; first stage: ip, acon ,bry ,ars ,rhus-t

☔ Fever, heat; dengue fever; hemorrhagic: ham ,sec ,sul-ac, ferr, chin, ars

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