✔️ Kali group—Quarrels at home with known people.
✔️ Causticum—Quarreling against injustice to achieve justice.
✔️ Nux Vomica—Quarreling due to intolerance of contradiction, As he is an achiever.
✔️ Asaefotida— Quarreling due to anger, destructive rage and fury in a very loud tone
✔️ Moschus— Quarrels due to his over senstiveness to all external Impressions.
✔️ Lycopodium—Quarrels when his authority is challenged.
✔️ Aurum— Quarrels when his rules and regulations are not followed. ( Dutiful and disciplined.)
✔️ Cina—- Always complaining, quarreling is a continuous Nagging and moaning.
✔️ Phosphorus—Quarrels when not getting returned affection. (Misanthropy)
✔️ Arsenic alb.—Quarrels due to his extremely censorious and Critical nature.
✔️ Verat. alb.—Quarrels to show his position.
✔️ Hyoscymus—Induces quarrel by inciting people.
✔️ Crocus— Quarrels due to his changing moods suddenly.
✔️ Mercury—Quarreling from timidity,So rebelling or revolting.
✔️ Cantharis—A riotous quarrelsome-Least contradiction makes him furious