Clinical Tips

Bed wetting remedies – Homeopathic Drug Shots

Bed wetting remedies

Bed wetting is also known as nocturnal enuresis. Night time loss of bladder control, or bed-wetting, usually in children.

Common causes of this symptom :
Bed-wetting can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Bed-wetting can occur up to age 5 as part of normal childhood development. In adults, it can be caused by alcohol intoxication.

Often indicated remedies:

In aged : Belladonna, Gels 

Alkaline urine, and in hysterical individuals :Causticum, Cantharis, Nux V., Phos acid.

High.coloured and strong smelling urine : Podoph., Calcarea-C, Ac-Nit. ,Opi., Lyc, Ac.-Benz.

From worms : Cin. or Spig.

In children’s with difficulty in micturating : Aconite, Cantharis, or Cham.

Relaxed or paralytic condition of the sphincter of the bladder, leading to involuntary urination night and day : Gelsemium.


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