Clinical Tips

Homoeopathic remedies for Epilepsy – Homeopathic Drug Shots

Homoeopathic remedies for Epilepsy:

*Causticum: Epilepsy at the age of puberty due to menstrual irregularity or suppression of eruptions or to some fright, worse during new moon. Involuntary urination. Better by drinking-cold water.

*Passiflora Inc: Attacks coming on at the menstrual period. The aura is a tight feeling in the chest.

*Oenanthe Crocata: Sudden and complete unconsciousness with terrible convulsions. Non-appearance of menses in young .girls which lead to epilepsy and convulsions; worse at the time when menses should have appeared.*

Special indications :-* Vomiting, tympanitis and semi priapism during the attack. Swollen red face with frothing of the mouth.

*Plumbum: When due to cerebral sclerosis or turmors. Heaviness and paralytic sensation before the attack and there is often paralysis and prolonged snoring thereafter. Constipation severe.

*Belladonna: In recent cases only. The convulsions begin in the upper extremities and extend. to face; eyes and mouth; fits of short duration several times during the day and passing off suddenly.

*Argentum Nitricum: Caused by fright or at the time of menses. Dilation of pupils for days or hours before the attack and restlessness and trembling of hands after the attack. Sharp cry. Violent muscular twitchings, especially of the throat. Complete unconsciousness with frothing at mouth; often bites her tongue, then a deep sleep for about three hours. Fit brought on by taking sweet fruits.

*Cuprum Metallicum: The aura begins in the lower extremities and ascends to the hypogastric region when unconsciousness, convulsions and foaming of the mouth supervene. The patient continuously protrudes and retracts tongue during the attack. Worse in a warm room. Oppressive headache preceding the attack.

*Natrum Mur: Twitchings of arms and legs before and during the attack; aversion to bread. Dullness, difficulty of thinking, depression and irritability. Aura begins in the arms or may be as if mouse ran up the leg to right side of abdomen. Attacks proceeded by vertigo, sleep, gritting of teeth, nausea and vomiting, froth at mouth. Trembling. Body jerks, legs rapidly drawn up, hands clinched, thumbs not drawn in. Chronic cases of psoric taint, suppressed itch.

*Nux Vomica: Convulsions with consciousness, worse with anger, touch, emotion, moving, indigestion. Convulsions with tetanic rigidity, opisthotonos, red face and closed eyes. Involuntary defecation and urination in fit. Aura from epigastrium. Deep sleep follows the attack. Worse in open air.

*Kali Brom: When the fit comes at the new moon and headache follows the fit. Mental dullness, slowness of expression, vertigo, uncertain gait, morose and sleepy.

*Luna: Epilepsy worse at full moon.

*Bufo: When due to masturbation or sexual excesses. The fit may return during coition. An awful sensation of anxiety in the abdomen and then there is a sudden loss of consciousness. Pupils largely dilated and unaffected by light before the attack. Aura starts from sexual organs or abdomen. Mouth wide open before an attack and dropping of the jaw after the attack. Urine passes involuntarily after the attack or epilepsy occurs during sleep.

*Baryta Muriaticum: With distension of blood vessels, emaciation, fainting spells. Complaints worse in spring. formication all over the body.

*Artemisia V: The fits are caused by violent emotions, the convulsions come close together, and then follows a long interval of rest.

*Alumina: The fits come on mostly while passing stools.

*Absinthium: When the fit is preceded by trembling, vertigo and giddiness. Loss of memory after the attack. Give in mother tincture or lower dilutions.

*Ignatia: Epileptic fits which occur after mortification or great fright from anger with silent grief; from anxiety; unhappy love.

*Thuja: Epileptic fits occurring after vaccination when pustules disappear which had appeared as a result of vaccination. Ears feel numbed before attack. Give in 1 M dilution.

*Stannum: Epilepsy during dentition with symptoms of worms. Pale face with twitching of hands and eyes, with tossing of limbs.

*Lycopodium: Obstinate persons with a very logical mind. Contemptuous of those he considers fools, yet personally lacking in self-confidence. Worse in the afternoon.

*Silicea: Epilepsy in slender, tall, dark, chilly, arrogant, thirst less. persons, constipated with clammy. Sweaty palms and unhealthy skin. Nightly attacks occurring about new and full moon.

*Viscum Alb: For epilepsy when vertigo persists after the attack.

*Calcarea Carb: Epilepsy in children with open fontanels and late dentition; sweating of the head and neck. Dread of an attack and broods over his affliction which makes him melancholic. Epilepsy due to suppression of eruption, orgasm or sexual excesses. Sensation of something burning in arms, or from pit of stomach downwards; sudden attack of vertigo. loss of consciousness without convulsions; chewing motion of mouth before the attack. confusion and loss of memory. Headache, dizziness, thirst and hunger after the attack.

*Cicuta Virosa: Sudden rigidity followed by jerks and violent distortions, oppression of breathing, lockjaw, face dark red, frothing at the mouth with opisthotonos; great prostration after the attack. Epileptic fit with swelling of stomach. Thumbs turn inwards during fit. Remembers nothing after the attack. Staring at the same object and if she turns her head away she falls unconscious. The fit is worse by slightest touch or jar.

*Thaspium: Hysteria, epilepsy and chorea with suicidal tendency; alternate laughing and weeping; chorea specially during sleep; fidgety lips. Lameness in arms and spasmodic twitchings. In male, lassitude after coition. In female, pain in left ovary with retarded menses.

*Hyoscyamus: Twitching and jerking with frothing at the mouth and biting of the tongue. Hunger previous to attack. Epileptic fit due to fright. Before the fit there is vertigo, ringing in the ears, spark before the eyes and gnawing hunger. During the fit face is purple, eyes projecting; shrieks; grinding of teeth and enuresis followed by spoor and snoring.

*Agaricus M: In epilepsy when after the attack there is great flow of ideas and the patient talks too much. Fit of epilepsy every seven days. Begins with paroxysm of yawning.

*Ferrum Phos: For patients who are reverse of Belladonna, viz. anaemic, weak, nervous, face pale, mucus membrane pale.

*Glonoine: Most violent, pulsating and pressing headache thirty-six to forty- eight hours before or after the attack. It is worse in warm room and by warm application. Feeling of heart-beat throughout the whole body.

*Sulphur: This should be given as an intercurrent remedy, especially when the cause is hereditary. It should be given in IM dilution. It is indicated in tubercular diathesis and in suppression of eruptions.

*Zincum Phos: A remedy for mental deterioration caused by epilepsy of any variety where the bromides have been used in large doses.


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