Definition :
Bell’s palsy is a form of facial paralysis resulting from a dysfunction of the cranial nerve VII (the facial nerve) causing an inability to control facial muscles on the affected side.
Cause :
Bell’s palsy occurs when the seventh cranial nerve becomes swollen or compressed, resulting in facial weakness or paralysis. The exact cause of this damage is unknown, but many medical researchers believe it’s most likely triggered by a viral infection.
Causative organisms :
The viruses (or) bacteria that involves in the development of Bell’s palsy are :
Viral infection :
Herpes simplex – which causes cold sores and genital herpes.
HIV – which damages the immune system.
Sarcoidosis – which causes organ inflammation.
Herpes zoster virus – which causes shingles.
Varicella zoster virus – which causes chicken pox.
Epstein-Barr virus – which causes mononucleosis.
Bacterial infection :
Lyme disease – which is a bacterial infection caused by infected ticks.
Symptoms :
Symptoms appear suddenly and are at their worst about 48 hours after they start. They can range from mild to severe and include
– Twitching
– Weakness
– Paralysis
– Drooping eyelid or corner of mouth
– Drooling
– Dry eye or mouth
– Excessive tearing in the eye
– Impaired ability to taste
1. Aconitum napellus:
When one side of a person’s face becomes paralyzed, especially after being exposed to wind or cold air, this remedy may be helpful. A feeling of fear and agitation and a sudden onset of symptoms are strong indications.
2. Agaricus :
This remedy may be indicated in Bell’s palsy when the facial muscles on one side are stiff, and grimacing or twitching occurs in other parts of the face. People who need this remedy are often excitable, with senses that are overacute. Deep anxiety about their health.
3. Cadmium sulphuratum :
Facial paralysis (usually left-sided) that starts after exposure to wind, and is accompanied by chilliness or overwhelming weakness, suggests a need for this remedy. The person’s mouth may look distorted, and completely closing one of the eyes often is impossible.
4. Causticum :
This remedy can be helpful when facial paralysis has developed gradually (most often on the right side). Opening and closing the mouth can be difficult, and the person may accidentally bite the tongue or the inside of the cheek. The person may be weak but restless, and tends to feel best when keeping warm.
5. Cocculus :
One-sided facial paralysis, with pain or tension felt in the other cheek, especially when opening the mouth, suggests a need for this remedy. Weakness, dizziness, or numbness are other indications. The person may feel worse from lack of sleep or from being emotionally upset.
6. Dulcamara :
This remedy may be indicated when a person has one-sided facial paralysis that makes it difficult to speak. Dulcamara is indicated in many conditions that develop after exposure to cold and dampness, especially after chills in rainy weather. People who need this remedy are often inclined toward sinusitis, allergies, and back pain.
7. Nux vomica :
One-sided facial paralysis (more often on the left) in a person who is irritable, impatient, and hypersensitive to odors, sounds, and light may indicate a need for this remedy. Cramping and constricting feelings may be felt, and problems may be worse from cold.
8. Platina :
This remedy may be indicated for painless paralysis of the face, with facial distortion that raises one eyebrow or creates a ‘haughty’ look. The person may also experience numbness in the lips and cheeks, or other body parts.
9. Hypericum :
Suffering look on face. Intense itching; tension, tearing on left side of cheek; facial neuralgia and toothache; mostly right-sided; shooting or eclectic pains.
10. Belladonna :
right-sided; dilated pupils, flushed face; grimace; pain comes and goes quickly; pressure, stabbing pain comes and goes in a few seconds; cycles every few seconds. Facial neuralgia with twitching muscles and flushed face