Clinical Tips

Homoeopathic Remedy for Normal Delivery – HDS

Homoeopathic Remedies

*Caulophyllum  30* every hour

1. It is the highly effective remedy for easy labor.

2.. Weak contractions of the uterus.

3.  Contractions with no dilation

4. Thick and closed cervix, “stuck”

5.  Muscular weakness, exhausted, nervous


*Cimicifuga Rec.  30* every hour

1. Sharp spasms, contractions feel like electric shocks

2. Black cloud – useful memories of a difficult previous birth, miscarriage, abortion. etc.

3. Failure to progress and dilate

4. It will prevent stiffness of the uterine cervix and will prepare birth canals for an easy delivery.


*Gelsemium  30* hourly

1. It is effective when Caulophyllum fails to act

2. Ineffectual contractions

3. It is good for anticipatory  anxiety (i.e. prior to birth)

4. When labor begins, and the contractions are frequent, but irregular.


*Pulsatilla 30, 1 hourly*

1. If there is delays in delivery.

2. It  helps to change the position of the fetus as it acts on the abdominal oblique muscles.

3. Emotional, cries easily, anxious

4  very sensitive to pain

5. Feels better with open air/fan, lack of thirst


*Biocombination or bioplasagen 26*

It helps in easy birth give 4 tablets every hour.

*After delivery following medicine should be used*


*Arnica 200*

1. Routinely used every hour

2.. For muscular-skeletal injuries/swelling of cervix


*Bellis perennis 30*

If these pains are felt across the pelvic area, making walking very painful, then  will improve the patient’s state.


*Caulophyllum 30*

In case of spasmodic pains, felt across the lower abdomen, especially after a long and tiresome labour.


*Sepia 30*

If the pain radiates towards the upper part, there is a heavy feeling in the lower abdomen, and the pelvic organs are felt as if they are falling down, it also helps in sub involution.


*Staphysagria 30*

In case of an episiotomy or a C-section,  can play a major role as it helps the wound heal faster and with no complications.


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