Clinical Tips

Tips and Homoeopathic remedies for crying – HDS

Three chief & useful remedies in crying infants….. Belladonna, Chamomilla, Stramonium. all have
pain + anger cry. breath holding spasms r common in these.


Calc.carb—– obstinate & cry especially when tired, night terrors with screaming r common.

Lycopodium—– cry when hungry & tired .. & during colic & acute illness, crying has a demanding tone,even when they are left alone in the bed & when the lights r turned off.

Medorrhinum—– cries all day & quite in nights, child is hot & doesn’t like covering & cries when forced to wear clothes, cries even when left alone in dark…cause are fear of water..animals, closed places, loud noises.

Nat.mur—— very often..don’t cry after birth, sensitive & demanding even their parents r harsh to them..even if looked at, cry & talk very little, sobbing type cry, give impressions of demanding….helpless…hurt child.

Phosphorus—– causes r tiredness, fear, punished or hit by some one, need affection & can easily cry & openly in front of others.

Sulphur—- when changes his clothes, to wipe his nose, to undress him 4 bath or when carried some time.

Tubercullinum— cry easily & loudly can’t be calm down easily, causes are dentition…diarrhea….stuffy nose.

Syphilinum—– cries all the time especially during night, can cry 4 hrs together, irritating cry, problem child difficult 2 pacify, history of syphilis in family can be found.


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