Clinical Tips

Homoeopathic Trio remedy – Homeopathic Drug Shots

Homoeopathic Trio remedy

Antisporic – (Dr.S.Hahnemann) : Sulph; Calc carb & Lyco
Asthmatic complications – (Nash.E.B) : Arsenicum; Ipecac and Natrum sulph
Brain typhus – (Nash.E.B) : Apis mellifica; Helleborus niger and Zincum metallicum
Burning pain – (Nash.E.B) : Ars alb; Sulph & Phos
Cholera (Dr.S.Hahnemann) : Camph; Vertrm alba and Cupr
Climatric – (Clarke.A.G) : Lachesis; Sepia and Sulphur
Condylamata – (Nash.E.B) Thuj; Staph. and Nitric acid
Croup – (Dr.S.Hahnemann) : Aconite; Spongia & Hepar sulph.
Delirium – (Nash.E.B) : Bell; Strom & Hyos
Drooping eyelids – (Nash.E.B) : Gels; Caust & Sepia.
Exhaustion – (Nash.E.B) : Ars alb; Muriatic acid & Carbo veg.
Flatulent – (Nash.E.B) : Lyco; Carbo veg & China
Fluent coryza – (Nash.E.B) Ars alb; Allium cepa & Merc
Glandular remedies – (Nash.E.B) : Con; Brom & Carb ani
Restlessness – (Nash.E.B) : Aconite, Arsenicum and Rhus-toxicodendron.
Offensive urine – (Nash.E.B) : Sepia; Nitri acid & Benzoic acid
Pain – (Nash.E.B) : Aconite; Cham & Cofee.
Pneumonia – (Nash.E.B) : Mercurius, Chelidonium and Kali carb.
Profuse Expectoration – (Nash.E.B) : Sanguinaria, Kali hydrod. and Stannum
Profuse and purulent (the expectoration) – (Nash.E.B) : Hepar sulph., Silicea and Tuberculinum
Profuse stringy expectoration – (Nash.E.B) Kali bich., Hydrastis and Coccus cacti
Masturbation and excessive venery – (Farrigton) : Nux vomica, Sulphur and Calcarea,
Sleepiness – (Nash.E.B) : Opium; Anti tart & Nux mox
Spasmodic cough – (Nash.E.B) : Drosera; Ipecec & cuprum.
Weakened constitutions – (Nash.E.B) : Ammonium carb., Cinchona and Carbo vegetabilis
Urging and colic – (Nash.E.B) : Rheum;


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