Clinical Tips

Homoeopathic remedies for Dreams – Homeopathic Drug Shots

Homoeopathic remedy for Dreams

Nux Vom :-

Dreams of accidents cause him to wake up from sleep. Sexual dreams with emission every 3rd or 4th day. Broods in a secluded corner. Dreams of coffee or wine drinking.

Pulsatilla :-

Dreams of black beasts. Congestion in heart and chest when lying on left side.

Mercurius :-

Dreams of animals.

Magnesia Mur :-

When talking and crying out during sleep. Anxious dreams.

Rhus Tox :-

Dreams of business in typhoid. Dreams of flying through the air.

Daphne :-

Dreams of black cats.

Chelidonium :-

Dreams of funerals.

Arnica :-

Dreams of graves.

Thuja :-

Dreams of dead people. Uneasy sleep with dreams. Of falling from a height; of battles, all due to frequent vaccinations. Give in 1 M dilution.

Sulphur :-

Dreams that he has been bitten by a dog. Sits on a chamber in dream, causing her to wet bed.

Belladonna :-

Dreams of fire.

Kali Carb :-

Dreams of ghosts. Imaginative. Of misfortunes.

Camphor :-

Of spirits.

Silicea :-

Frightful dreams of murder; of corpses and dead persons; of being poisoned; of choking; of thieves entering the house thus disturbing sleep. Give in 1 M dilution.

Kreosote :-

Urinating in dream in a decent manner and wetting the bed at night.

Glonoine :-

Of weeping with tears. Fearful dreams.

Bryonia :-

Dreams all night paying anxious and careful attention to his business. Occupied with household affairs in dreams.

Lac Caninum :-

Dreams of snakes, of urinating and on awaking must hurry to prevent an accident.

China Off :-

Frequent dreams of vomiting live worms.

Picric Acid :-

Dreams that she is pregnant.

Arnica M :-

Full of dreadful dreams, nightmare; dreams of muddy water, robbers etc. Horrors in the night.

Jaborandi :-

Dreams of accidents and fights.

Erechthites :-

Dreams of nudity and shame.

Mag. Carb :-

Dreams of fire, flood, robbers, quarrels, money, pleasures, misfortunes, dead persons.

Cocculus :-

Frightful dreams of hideous objects which come over him as he closes the eyes.

Ignatia :-

Dreams all night of the same subject.

Natrum Mur :-

Frightful dreams of robbers, murderers, thieves and fire. Dreams of burning thirst.

Aloe :-

Dreams of passing stool.

Crotalus Hor :-

Horrible dreams of murder, of death, of dead bodies and dead people, of associating with the dead and with corpses, of being in graveyards; even the smell of cadaver is dreamed of. He rises from sleep as in a fright.

Lachesis :-

Sleep disturbed by awful dreams and attacks of suffocation after having slept for a long time.

Natrum Sulph :-

Dreams of fighting.

Natrum Phos :-

Great dreamer; dreams anxious, amorous, of dead people, distressing, of previous events, of fire, frightful, nightmare, pleasant, vexatious and vivid.


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